I like the boltgun and the power sword just as much as the next person, but this combo is vastly superior to other options. Most level 30 Veterans are using this very combo. Which is completely fine, it’s an understandable choice. Yet without more weapon balance, there will be less build variety and less replayability in Darktide.
Build variety is of course important as it gives players more viable options for gearing. If they like a specific weapon, they could eventually even use it in harder modes. Allowing the player to tailor their gear to their playstyle. Then while not absolutely required, having players use different weapons makes for a more diverse experience to the game. Where players use a broad range of gear, instead of mirroring one another.
Replayabilty is improved with more balance as it gives players more room to experiment with gear and skills. If nearly anything is viable in late game, then you’re open to testing and tweaking. Plus having an overly clear best in class weapon, incentivizes players to solely pursue that weapon. Once you’ve acquired it, you’ve peaked, as you know other options aren’t relevant.
Currently Darktide doesn’t seem to have great weapon balance (mostly understandable as it’s a new release). I have about 60 hours as Veteran and have used every available weapon a decent amount. They all seem pretty good and have their place in combat. But then I used the boltgun, this thing can obliterate a screen of specials in a couple seconds with little effort. The TTK is just on another level compared to most other options. I personally prefer the revolver and recon lasgun, but these options aren’t exactly viable on harder difficulties. Really everything is below the boltgun.
In terms of melee weapons the disparity in efficiency is even greater. The power sword is able to cut down dense hordes of enemies like butter. Seemingly one shotting any regular sized enemy in your path. Add in the giant AOE of it’s secondary attack and you have what can feel like the best melee weapon in the game. Other options can kill specials and bosses a little faster, but can’t clear anywhere near the same amount of poxwalkers.
Coming from a good amount of ARPGs and horde based shooter games, I think weapon balance is extremely important. I’m not at all throwing shade on the boltgun and power sword combo, but it’s irrefutably overpowered in comparison to other weapons. I think a fix would be to balance by buffing all other weapons. It makes sense that these weapons are very powerful given their lore in the Warhammer universe. Thus they could even remain superior options, while still bringing all other weapons closer to their level. Said combo is very fun to use, but their standout power is nullifying the rest of the armory. Thanks.