Bit of a foreword
The previous iteration of warp charges (especially after the adjustment that made them decay over time) was one of my favorite mechanics in this videogame.
I liked balancing a high peril high risk reward playstyle that juggled between highs with upkeep via brainblast intermittently in my playstyle. It lead to an interactive cadence that maintained itself even through ambient and hordes that in it’s current iteration doesn’t really exist. With that out of the way, let me touch on~
Warp Charge Generation Online
Previously If you were in the process of brain blasting and it was going to get a kill at a certain % if somebody snipes that kill they still gave you the charge. This doesn’t exist.
Chance and determinism
Previously there were a few ways to generate warp charges. Via coherency, brain bursts, and soulblaze. The mechanic was such that even if there weren’t elites around (or hard to kill elites instead) you could still opt for deterministic warp charge generation in a horde of pox walkers and maintain it using ambients outside of that. Making space in a horde to pop a single forehead to maintain 6 stacks was big fun and it no longer exists as well.
Cooperation and team play
As previously mentioned you’d still get warp charges sometimes even if an ally killed an elite/mob you were popping. As the mechanic is now, it’s extremely competitive with allies to kill elites to generate warp charges in a deterministic manner as opposed to a co-operative coherency.
Most of that is to say that~
Look, I know Psyker has other things that are at the top of the list. But please allow warp charges to generate off of brain burst head pops of non elites. I believe this would not be anywhere near as strong as just tossing a few assail daggers into a pack of gunners which already maxes out warp charges. I just want that fun playstyle back. I’ve tried to cope with Scriers gaze but it’s just not the same.