Playing a Career in Versus Unequips Skins in Campaign Loadouts

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Playing in Versus messes with Campaign Loadout Skins. If I play a career, say, a Huntsman, in Versus, then come back to Campaign and look at my loadouts, sometimes some Skins (as in, head and body skins, never frames) will randomly be unequipped from some of the loadouts. Sometimes it’s just the head, sometimes it’s everything. It also doesn’t seem to happen to just the loadout that was active last. For example, today I came back to Campaign to find that Loadout 1 on Handmaiden had its body skin unequipped, while Loadout 3 was missing its helmet.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Often (<75%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

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@lMarcusl We’ve had trouble reproducing this issue. Just to check, as Adventure mode loadouts and Versus loadouts are different - could this be why?

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No, I’m aware they’re separate, this isn’t that. I’d play Versus and then come back to Adventure to sometimes find some of the Adventure-specific loadouts were suddenly back to default skin instead of what I had equipped before. This wasn’t a 100 % occurrence but happened often enough. Just checked again and strangely it seems even more random than I thought. I tought it only affected the career I played in Versus but I was wrong. I’ve mostly been playing Pyromancer in Versus over the last few weeks but all my Pyromancer loadouts have the correct skins in Adventure. However, one of my Huntsman and Ranger Veteran loadouts have their body skin removed right now. I have not played either of the careers in Versus for ages, if ever. Makes me think that perhaps this unequipping bug might have nothing to do with Versus at all, though it only started happening with the first Versus patch and since I play Versus daily, I assumed it’s tied to it. Only affects the Adventure loadouts though, my Versus loadouts are all still as they should be.

Gotcha, thanks for clarifying. It’ll be tricky for us without a way to reproduce the issue, but we’ll keep digging. If you notice anything that may potentially trigger this issue for your loadouts please let me know!

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