Issue Type (Required):
Issue Description (Required):
A bit before the most recent patch was released I was messing around with different builds for one operative (a zealot) and then after the patch downloaded I noticed when I switch loadouts my cosmetics don’t update with me. I’m stuck with whatever cosmetics are on loadout 4, I can change them from there but I was using different cosmetics between loadouts to differentiate between them just fine before the patch and now I can’t. I’ve tried to change outfits on the other loadouts to try and get them game to load them with no luck, the only way to change it is by changing outfits on loadout 4 even when that’s not the loadout I’m playing.
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
I’m not sure what caused it, I think I changed around some loadouts before the patch downloaded, quit the game as normal and then when re-opening the game switched loadouts but the cosmetics didn’t update. I’ve quit and reloaded the game multiple times since but it seems stuck only pulling cosmetic information from loadout slot 4.
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
No, I don’t use mods
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam