Pistols should have their own sidearm slot

this game is a half shooter, it should go further than the absolute basics of gunplay (which, mind you, we still dont fully have)

besides, as a psyker with a staff with MASSIVE peril issues… i could “definitely” use one occasionally


Yeah, it’s definitely a missing component of the gameplay. It’s just odd to go into battle against a monstrosity and empty your plasma or boltgun into them, and then move onto . . . a shovel. This includes the inverse, of wanting to quickly dispatch a few enemies at medium range, so you laboriously take-out your full-length rifle instead of just a pistol. This is especially rough for when you want to try to maintain a fluid playstyle despite some of the weapon combos having very obviously designed and polarizing roles.

I feel like a simple grading system for weapon “weight”/encumbrance would fit here. Rifles and heavy guns have a weight of two, power/two-handed weapons have a weight of two, and unpowered/chainless melee and pistols have a weight of one. You get to spend five points total.
Now, you could go into battle with

  • A bolter.
  • A laspistol.
  • An eviscerator.
  • A lasgun.
  • A shotgun.
  • A shovel.
  • Your beloved legendary anti-armor chainaxe.
  • Your also beloved anti-chaff thunderhammer.
  • An autopistol.

Well specialization is there to be appreciated for it’s role in game balance, there are incredibly sharp divides between long/medium/short range, heavy armor/no armor, single targets/hordes. Picking a generalized weapon often leaves you vulnerable at the extremes while picking a specialized weapon effectively means your other slot must be dedicated to the former’s weakness, which hampers creativity and flexibility in a hybrid system.


I wouldn’t mind another slot specifically for sidearms. Going as veteran with plasma gun is fun but I have to make tough decisions on when to shoot enemy gunners or not. If I’m the only veteran in the game we’re ALL gonna have a bad time cause I can’t spend all my ammo shooting trash.

The sidearm slot could be for either pistols or knives, as a way to differentiate your builds.

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I agree with this. A point based load out system allowing multiple options.