Penance Points Acquisition

I feel you. But the good thing is you should be able to skip all book penances and still get it. If @deusvult6 's count of max penance points is correct you have roughly 45 penances with 10pts you can ignore and still hit 4500.

I’m sure as f not going to do book runs.

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I just went back and checked myself and with my currently 3210 I only count 1585 extra points available. Totaling at around 4795 instead :thinking:

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Impossible… no. Grindy, yes.

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I tried that method just now (rather than the whole total all over again) and got 4855. Lul.

At least they all agree that the total is >4500.

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I sure hope that neither of us is an accountant.

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EXTREMELY so. My friend @Quorin has over 1600 hours and he still has less than 3000 Penance Points…

3035 PP now :wink:

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Nearly 2000 hours and you’ve got HALF of the Moebian 6th set to show for it let’s go :triumph::fire:

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ive hit penance score 4000 and i dont know how much longer i can keep going, these penances take way too long especially given most of the penance tiers give you junk titles emotes and frames, the moebian chest should’ve been way way lower, right now I’m playing psyker because ogryns heavy hitter penance is painfully too long for 10 penance points

also 50 missions per biome for penance stuff is way too long imo

@FatsharkCatfish no more wearable cosmetics tied to penances please, just let me buy things from the docket cosmetic vendor


The update hasn’t even been out a week!


laughs in 687 hours with 3515 penance points

The 3500 point armor on Psyker looks great. The zealot one is clipping with his book, Ogryn’s looks good and I haven’t checked out Vet yet because I keep getting error code 2014’d


It’s gotten to a point for me where I don’t really feel like trying to do Penances, because they force me to play in ways I don’t like. I get that that can be a positive experience, to find something you love that you did not expect, but for me this was not the way to go about it.

For example, I absolutely hate stealth cloaking gameplay, for the Zealot and Veteran ultimates. If there was a 1 time challenge for them? Sure, I would be down to run it for a couple of games to get it. But I’m not going to grind out however many games it would take to get their penances done. Same idea can be applied to lots of other concepts, with a big one being the visibility reduction games completed penances.

While hopefully I can get to the items I want before I run into a wall (or simply quit the game again, which is probably very soon) it’s still not a system I would consider ideal.


Seriously, enjoy the challenges, take your time, don’t rush


Before the udpate, there were something like 2500 penance points total.
Now, you just play every map once (auric damnation difficulty) and you get 50 penance points for each map, the first time you complete it.
Extract with the skull once per map (personally). +10 points per map.
Destroy 4 idols during a single mission once per map (as a group). + 10 points per map.

18 individual maps. 50+10+10 points per map from the penances mentioned above.
18 x 70 = 1260 points for playing every map 1-2 times.
If you simply play 10 more hours than you have so far, you will probably already get to around 3500.
The amount of penance points you can earn during a certain amount of playtime, went WAYYY up.

Also, if you had not spent those hours before this update, you would easily have 4500 penance points after these hours spent.

You can not expect future content to be already finished for you, because you spent time in the game, before the content existed.
That is the point of new content. You play it despite having already spent time in the game before.


New content?

What new content?

One can absolutely expect previously played missions and auric missions to count. One can absolutely expect books and other trite BS to count.
This is not new content. It’s the same missions as always, with new grind slapped onto them, that on purpose does not give a poo about any previous play.

This is absolutely malicious grind-glue player retention for the sake of it. One can only hope this means the itemization update will remove or at least drastically lower their other existing malicious RNG grind.

It’s not like this isn’t a thing that happens in games.


New class penances
10 auric missions without dying
5 maelstrom missions without dying
Skull puzzles

Those things are new content.
Unless you want to be a mindless doomer, you can not really deny that.

I agree that they could have counted pre patch progress for a few more penances

  • auric missions completed in total
  • missions in this area completed in total
  • books extracted
  • kills with explosive barrels

But i do not mind having new class penances that actually require you to still do them.
Same thing with any of the relatively small penances that require you to do something somewhat difficult.

If they had insta completed everything that players have technically already done, before it was a penance (in case all of those things were already being tracked before the update), people would now be outraged, that they just logged in and already have nothing left to do.


The skull puzzles, Idols and gas condition are… I suppose content?
It drives me up the wall that mapmaker dev time was used to create the skull puzzles rather than new maps, though.

It’s even more insane that devtime and playtesting went into creating the gas condition (because they said they had to do it manually and iterate on it).
It’s a terrible condition for any number of reasons, the gas ‘vents’ or whatever the hell they are supposed to be look like low-poly junk plonked on the ground that look completely out of place and just… yeah. What the hell. Imagine spending dev time on something so bad and so annoying that adds nothing meaningful to the game. I’ll accept that liking or not liking a condition is subjective, but it would surprise me if there’s a lot of people that enjoy the gas condition or the gas bomber.

Yes there is obviously new penances for things it would surprise me if they tracked previously. But like you said there’s also a lot of penances for things we know they tracked previously, and simply chose not to count.


Bro forgot to read the title of the thread.

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Did you read past the first word of my post?
Because after that first word, my entire post is about penance point acquisition.


I did, but that’s still not what I was replying to.

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