How come every other class except veteran gets their penances toned down a little?
It doesn’t make any sense especially with the fact that veteran one of the, if not the most played class in the game.
Seriously? 100% accuracy with no ammo remaining and we don’t even have a personal scoreboard? These are the only free cosmetics in the game and I don’t want to pay for stuff at the commodore because it is basically a scam.
These are the only free cosmetics in the game and I don’t want to pay for stuff at the commodore because it is basically a scam.
See, that’s the point. That’s why these requirements are so asinine - it’s to ‘encourage’ players to turn to the cash shop. Doubt they’ll change it for the better, seeing as that they apparently made a penance for the Ogryn to be even worse. Instead of hitting 4 enemy Ogryns in one charge, it’s now 6. Yeah, good luck with that.
Thats how they expect you to do it, beyond winning the lottery and your whole team somehow dying before a boss spawn, and you somehow surviving the whole ordeal.
Even then its fking retded since BB on heresy deals no dmg. Yes i did went out of my way once on discord to attempt it and we all looked at the abysmal dmg. Possible? Yeah sure if u want to kite the boss for 10min while u quell your peril and run for your life as well AND charge your BB with slowed movement. BTW they are SPECIFICALLY trying to nerf kiting so much, so makes me question whats the point of this penance again???
As many have concluded prior to launch, the version they themselves played wildly differed from the one we have gotten from CB onwards. Brain Burst most likely actually did have damage scaling done prior to us getting our hands to it, which is why it was reasonable to kill the boss with just using it. Currently a single Brain Burst takes around 1-2% of the Boss’s health bar away while you can only ever cast 2 of them back to back, then you need to quell it. You will have to waste a stupid amount of time to kill a boss with it.
It is as was stated in the thread, they were initially designed to be doable, but now are intended to veer you towards the cash shop. The main evidence for this point is their own dev blogs where the players were promised with the ability to really customise their characters by being able to pick the material used in their armour and clothing, the condition of the equipment and even markings, but all of that was removed prior to CB. So odds are that they just went full focus on pushing people to use the cash shop to generate the extra revenue to fund further development for the game now that they made the decision to go live service.
finishing a mission … without crash or disconnection … with zero bullet left … with 100% accuracy … and with a pretty passive aura can give you free bullet at the last mob just before ending … enjoy the fun.
also, the skins you actually do get from some of the penance challenges are the exact same item model as the stuff you get for free just leveling up. So you are torturing yourself and your team for black instead of red sleeves. Totally worth it…
have you seen the penances of the psyker class? cliffhanger, going out with a bang, pick and mix and malleus monstronum are frustrating and exhausting to do.
Solo a boss is pretty easy with a premade in the darktide discord. Blow up self and 3 elites was annoying but got it done pretty quickly with a premade. Brainburst five elites/specialists in 12 seconds is what keeps me up at night XD.