Penance "balance"

I have gotten into penances lately. They provide nice chase goals and sometimes even encourage experimentation and growing as a player. While some of them are downright annoying and might need to be redesigned, I want to discuss something else I noticed: for quite of few of them, the reward vs difficulty/time investment ratio is off.

For example, Maelstrom Survivor 3 awards a fancy exalted Insignia, (way fancier and of higher rarity than the other insignias I have) only for completing 50 Maelstrom missions. While I don’t mean to trivialize this accomplishment, I would argue that any Master of War 5 is significantly more involved. The insignias they reward however, are only anointed.

Getting all four Master of War 5 penances felt particularly underwhelming. There should be a “Master of War” title for that. Doesn’t that sound like a missed opportunity?
Sidenote: I don’t know if Fatshark still has plans to release an extra character class someday, but a penance requiring the player to obtain “any four” MoW penances should not get in the way of additional classes. (Yes please.)

i agree about the rarity of items misplaced badly.

for example i think secret hard mode insignia from orthus offensive should be orange instead of purple. because it was somewhat some challenging content.


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