Penence details

Most Penances has detailed explanations on them, but some have sub “penances” that I have no idea what they mean and how to complete them.
Am I missing something?


You have to look for the corresponding “sub” penances yourself. Like the “Master of War” series they’re usually other penances for that archetype.

It’ll be nice if you could click or highlight the listed penance and the game told you what it was. But this is coming from an UI design that covers up the penance description when it’s redeemable.


Yep the entire menu needs to be fiercly updated. I made a thread about it a day ago in gameplay feedback. Please go and comment and add anything to it.

The part you mention - I’ve suggested that those listed penances within penances act as links that can be clicked and direct you to the corresponding penance.

Searching for penances within the menu is now 50% of the gameplay :joy:

Yeah the game definitely needs to link the penances, at least for descriptions.

This didn’t bother me before since I didn’t really care about them in the first place. But now they matter. Seeing some random thing like “Ministorum Advocate” or whatever when I’m staring at the unlock requirements for a cosmetic or one of those big grouped penances, and then going on a 3-minute browsing spree to find whatever the heck that even means isn’t exactly high usability. :sweat_smile:

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