Auric Storm Survivor Penance and Orders

So, been getting back into playing the game since the unlocked and unloaded update and been playing auric maelstrom missions and man… The amount of people who leave when they go down is incredibly high. I feel like I am alternating team mates every 10-15 minutes and playing frequently with bots. Sometimes you get a good team, sometimes not.

This is not nearly as egregious if I just do Auric damnation quick plays compared to Maelstrom. I can only assume that a big part of this reasoning is people chasing the Auric Storm Survivor Penance with the alt+F4 method.

This is why, I REALLY hope that when Fatshark implements Orders as the new “hardest” difficulty, they really don’t place penances as a goal to chase for it.

I think the hardest content of the game should be dedicated to those who want the challenge for the challenge in and of itself, no other reason. It’s not for farming, mastery, XP, resources, titles, frames, cosmetics, etc. I think when you have people who don’t want the difficulty/aren’t ready for it, it brings the general experience down.

(Cataclysm, in Vermintide 2, is an example of a way to do it in general. The chests all give the same rewards as legend, although there are some cata frames, but it doesn’t cause issues).

But that’s just what I think.


The alt+f4 has unfortunately devalued it for those that truly earned it. It is a shame.

It is good that T5 Maelstrom/Auric gives same orange weapon reward as T5 otherwise you’ll get unprepared players spilling into it. So they know to stick to normal T5 at most if purely weapon grinding.

Thing is if they add a T6 then players might expect a penance for that too. But this time make it completion based rather than streak based. No reason to quit then. Also same again let T6 give same weapon reward as T5. Ideally have no penance for it so then for sure you know the people joining are pure challenge only and not grinding for a badge.


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