I found out that there are a lot of people cheesed Auric Storm Survivor which gives a pretty bad reputation to the title and the game mode itself since it’s flooded with people trying to cheese it.
My idea is:
Complete 5 consecutive malestorm auric missions without being down
I think it would be super difficult to cheese since you can be downed at any given moment. Not sure what others think but I think it would be really nice.
so the current maelstorm penance in game is bad?
it adds more to the challenge.
and it’s not complete 5 auric maelstorms without downing “in a row”
you can do them anytime you want, just like you may did the one that is already in-game.
i also have “how did i get that” mod which shows past progress penances and auric maelstorm without anyone being down and i did a lot. it’s just fun when there is some challenge within the team. penance that can be done either with pubs or with friends.
Yes, it’s bad too. There are levels of bad. ‘In a row’ with ‘no death’ is pretty bad, and can be affected by factors outside your control, but having to explicitly rely on someone else is the definition of a factor outside your control.
i think with no death is fine, it has to be at least challenging imo to make a title worth, i like penances that are also team based. considering i did lot of maelstorm auric without anyone dying multiple times even without chasing it, i think it would be still ok. in a row would be pretty unfair however, which i don’t think was the OP’s idea nor mine. it would be simply an upgrade of the current one.
there is also melk’s contracts where they rely on others, some people skip to get other contracts but usually they can be still be done.
At that point, it entirely becomes a “who do i get as a teammate” penance.
Which is utter garbage.
This would be fine, if it requires a streak.
Otherwise, it is just about repetition until you eventually get it by pure chance.
That luck aspect is massively diminished by requiring a streak, making skill much more important.
the only reasonable fix is that when you reconnect or leave the game it does reset the streak/counts as failed. that was the biggest flaw of the penance, where people could leave the game and progress was still saved.
“Reasonable.” The server Error 2014 booted me twice yesterday in a two hour session.
What could possibly go wrong if you reset penances requiring multiple hour long sessions to run smoothly?
that’s up to fatshark
wouldn’t be hard to make that if you ever legit crash/get a disconnection from a server error, then it won’t count either as win or loss, therefore not resetting the streak
there is still the thing where people just reconnect to avoid death
it’s just FS not fixing these stuff
Personal opinion here but i dont give a f#ck about people cheesing it which is giving ASS bad reputation, i did legit and thats all that matters for me, if people see me and think that i cheesed it well idc, simple as that, also a good fix to this stupid penance is just to remove the " consecutive part and maybe increase the missions needed to complete
I have an eerie sense of Deja vu about this topic.
Opinion 1: “Let’s just make penances easier”
Yeah, whatever, none of the current penance’s rewards even remotely impressive, I am cool with any way of lowering requirements
Opinion 2: “Let’s make them harder”
It depends on the way it will be made harder, but usually it’s just more frustration, so not good.
Consecutive completion is hard enough to be anger inducing for some people so maybe making these penances just grindy will be good enough
Opinion 3: “Let’s make leaving reset the streak”
No, I get disconnected from the game at least 2 times a day because of my terrible internet connection, it’s not fun at all
The main issue now is that people leave a lot, I don’t think that this problem will be easily fixed, but making people not be incentivized to leave(do not punish people for leaving) will make a difference
“Why we shouldn’t punish those who leave?” - you may ask, well this is because there are still people who just need or forced to leave.
I am often booted out of the match right after I die because of the insane lag(people flying, my inputs are not read, or my position is very different to where the server thinks I am, so I die to invisible forces. Usually right after this the game disconnects me), or I am just playing the game to wait for someone and as soon as they come I say my goodbyes and leave the match.
My solution is to make the penances easier by removing the CONSECUTIVE part of them.
I personally do not really care about it being easier, and people do not really care about your titles and portraits, they care about how you play during the match(or your true level, if they have the mod), my opinion and experience of 1100 hours.
I walk around with portrait for completing all Heresy levels(I thought this will be fun) and some blue title, people never said a thing
Yeah, this will be hard, but it just means that people there would leave immedietly as they are netted or downed to restart without wasting their time, so the cheese continues
There are some people who have bad internet connection that is very unstable but still want to have fun playing with friends, it is me. I have such a terrible experience at times because of packet loss or my ISP making funnies or my roommates downloading things at max.
I am really greatful to Fatshark for giving me the ability to rejoin games and I do not care if there are people who abuse it, I will never agree to punish people who leave or disconnect.
Oh yeah? Are you sure I can’t just, you know, immitate a disconnect by turning off my internet by taking the cable out? Or turning off Wi-fi?
well if you disconnect like that, then it wouldn’t either count as win or loss, just like if you were legit crashing or disconnecting due to server errors, so you will be forced to complete the game in order to progress the streak. if you crash/disconnect it won’t progress but stil retain your streak you were left before to add fairness/making it easier as penance. but i get then people would still exploit/cheat so i guess it’s fine to make them easier and remove the “consecutive” part which i also agree.
I honestly think having ANY penance to chase the hardest content is no good. It will always promote people to do it who aren’t ready for it. If it’s not alt + F4ing it’s getting matched with people who just turned level 30 and go down right at the beginning. Making you solo the thing (if you’re doing pubs).
Even without alt+F4 I don’t like the consecutive aspect. What if friends jump on? You going to choose between playing with them or maintaining your streak if they’re not ready for auric maelstrom (or not interested?). Or maybe the modifiers aren’t great so you put the game down and play something else.
Maybe, if it had to be reworked:
Make it a ratio over 20 games. Not consecutive. Just over the last 20 auric maelstrom missions you didn’t die in more than 5 of them.
Or just have better logging so the application logs what happened right before a crash, and it’s due to an alt+f4 kill the streak compared to if there was a log of a backend error code, or something. But still hard to do, maybe people disconnect their nic or get a mod to replicate one or modify local log files (although it would greatly reduce the numbers I think).
Either way, I don’t know if there’s a way to stop people chasing A.S.S. Just don’t have penances tied to the hardest content.
When they release havoc mode, that goes to level 40, don’t have those kinds of penances. Leave the hardest content for those who want it. Not because they’re chasing A.S.S.
yea but this new idea, doesn’t make that as soon you get downed it will be failed?
and yes people could still disconnect doing stuff like that, if they really want to cheat and saving the streak even before getting downed if they see the run is going bad. but people anyway ragequit/disconnect if they do mistakes/die so penance or not, there will be always this behaviour imo
i agree in making them easier also because titles etc in the end don’t mean anything much, but it is just sad that these challenges can be cheesed etc. just because would be cool for personal challenge, which there isn’t because of people cheesing by exploiting.
not sure what would be a good fix, maybe new challenging penances behind challenging hard content that do not rely on these type of stuff but simply winning x game mode/map etc.