Auric storm title should have been for surviving 50 auric maelstrom missions without dying

save scumming makes this supposedly legendary title mean nothing, its as easy as leaving the moment you go down. thats not hard, playing 50 auric maelstrom missions without dying shows dedication and persistence.

i feel bad for those dudes that got it legit, the title means nothing.


Guess that explains all the auric legends faceplanting to nothing in base damnation and throwing the “Teeeeeaaaaam!!1…” hissy fit.


Virgin “Auric Storm Survivor” VS Chad “Reject”


People are not going in for the title, what they want is the penance points. If it was only the title only a few would be interested.

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until they add ‘Free Ranged Pre Servitor’ this is the only title I like.


That might be the case, but it would be mighty stupid.
Instead of quitting out of a bunch of missions in order to get a single penance, those people could instead be finishing missions and progress multiple other penances at the same time.

Maybe they have already completed the other penances, or have already chosen to not complete other penances that they find hard or annoying, (like those regarding grims) and they feel compelled then to get that one.
Whatever it be the case, the problem is that the title is not the only thing behind the not dying penance.
Fatshark simply doesn’t learn. Same with the stupid weeklies.

I think it is a significant part of it, especially as it is the only orange title in the game.

If there were other orange titles to work towards people wouldnt feel inclined to scum that one so hard.

in general penances should be focused on your own performance and that alone.

being at the mercy of random events feels like playing russian roulette with 3 bullets.

sure you can carry the odd round but 5 in a row without suffering yourself from someone elses stupid decision, thats a recipe for anger.

like the match we had yesterday having to carry one particularly stubborn dude, who to no ones surprise was throwing insults the moment he was down, buddy and me didnt rush ourselves blindly towards the wall of meat for his rescue but rather wore it off at a choke point.

and while picking this dude up multiple times, plus his sidekick who chimed in on the "us trolling"part, when he took a nosedive first chance he got at playing rescue service(charging head on into the obligatory bunch of guards, alone), cinderalla was displeased at the speed of her untimely rescue.

still a fun watch i uploaded(and the first utter moron to get this “honor”, i rather leave those at the sideways)
but ultimately a reminder that this is the kind of anger you get from penances that depend on not f’ing up when others already did.

*kill 1000 bosses on auric maelstrom(group count)
*play ever map on auric maelstrom in every variant(and add a map selection while you’re at it)
*pass 5 aurics each, with every keystone in your talents picked (“versatile” no matter how “crappy” some are)
*or, in an unforseeable turn off events, pick 100 people up in auric maelstrom… who would have thought of that?

got only 5 hours sleep but even now could go on with the list


if you do all the penances you receive 4900 points in total, the battlepass only goes up to 4500. that means you have 400 penance points worth of challenges you do not have to do.

Correct! which is not that many. Also the complete X amount of missions in X map takes a lot of time, way more than the 5 no deaths on maelstrom.
Also… those should have counted from before the update but oh there goes fatshart again.

Also, the push dogs one is bugged, same as the push pox bursters, and I’m pretty sure “quick work” is bugged too.

This. No downed players maelstrom run was a bit pain in the ass to do, when there are some 5 wounds psyker will be knocked in the first encounter. I swear i start thinking some people are sabotaging this penances because they die when there are no specials even (i know they are not sabotaging, just noobs)

Puzzles are cool and so far randoms are willing to cooperate.

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So you’re advising to fix it by scumming x10 times more? :thinking:


no, i dont mean 50 missions without dying back to back, i mean just completing 50 without dying over time.

I bet those who rush to 4500 will scum it anyway.

The grindier achievement the more things like that happen.

Remember Vets “100% accuracy + all ammo spent” penance, and masses of vets with revolvers abandoning games on a first miss. Or “take no hits” leaving on a first hit taken.

I guess the only solution might be forcing it to be “private” again (but still it won’t change much other than “now you don’t see the scumming”).



Eh, pretty much none of the “hard” penances mean anything, thanks to them being entirely cheeseable. That was true of the very first iteration of them and it’s true of the latest ones too.

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They should just make it 1 mission survived instead of 5 so everyone gets it over with much faster.

Or they could just code it in such a way that once you reach 0 hp (and having the zealot passive or the likes on cooldown etc.) the penance is failed and you have to start over regardless of how quickly you alt+f4 or yell for your mum to unplug the computer.