Did they nerf Auric Storm Survivor?

I’m just curious because I’ve seen so many ppl with the title in mael and they are going down like flies. By any chance they nerf it?


Oh boy, who’s gonna tell him?

Many people cheezed the penance by alt-f4ing soon as they go down, they didn’t earn it legitimately and it often shows


Virgin “Auric Storm Survivor” VS Chad “Dedicated Adept”


LOL where meme?


reject’s where it’s at, sah.

cause momma dont lie :muscle:


Speaking of meaningless achievements…

Hijack Alert

My try-hard sweatyness has no meaning anymore.


thats why i only put on my pre order beta portrait.

with the playtime alone by now the number of skulls i collected would make khorne khorny for my ogryn.

besides, big mans not counting beyond 3, fist for smashing, not a-ba-cus.


I keep seeing the title and most of the time it’s a goober who immediately gets downed by the first mob, or they’re the first one to get disabled…

Not saying that’s never happened to me… but I’m not also sporting a title that you’d expect a minimum level of competence to achieve.

It’s basically a giant red flag now.


In this type of game, titles and levels don’t really matter. If you’ve been playing for a long time, you’ll recognize truly skilled players by their names.



Ministorum Guardian is the chadiest chad title.

It shows the player has done all the penances

Although TBF I think I got the adept one automatically when the unlocked update happend and since there is no description on them, I have no idea what it’s awarded for lol.


I respectfully disagree on the grounds that I’ll never touch a sizeable portion of my uncompleted Penances for the sake of morality. Unfortunately, certain Penances are just so very poorly designed and anti-fun for all parties involved. I’m simply here to kill the spiky people and have a good time. I believe that I’m at around 3,600 Penance Points right now.

You get it from reaching a total Mastery Level of 120, If I remember correctly.


AAaaaaah yes… the ASS title…


Based on its current reputation, I guess removing that ASS title from the game would be for the best.

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i hope they add more accessible penances so that everyone can unlock all rewards in the penance bar thing

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should have made that it couldn’t have been cheesed, but too late cause FS
and to be honest, doing 10 wins in a row in auric is not even that impossible either, but since it is cheesed it nullifies the value of the title

wish that there other titles with challenges, like secret hard mode karkak twins title, thats some challenging content, but sadly rewards of that content were just an insignia. imo should have included a portrait, title, along the insignia

I use “Explorator” title, cause it suits well my behavior… as I tend to check every chest.

I have it… I think I have left 1 time a mission where we were about to die… I personally don’t care what players use as title…

(and someone can say I cheated, I really don’t care… honestly, what does it change for you the title used by someone else???)


titles don’t mean anything just like the levels from true level mod
to me are just graphical things to put on your character


Or at least some Commissary reskins of the current Hestia’s Blessings cosmetics.

I saw leaked green and red reskins of the Moebian 6th Loyalist cosmetics at some point, and they were both marked under “Commissary” meaning that there’s actually a glimmer of hope.


I know this is a generous take: but as you get the title on all avatars it might be that you’re just seeing people playing other alts where they’re less good… but using the title anyway?

There are some people, myself included, that found it pretty easy on one avatar. First time trying on my zealot, and without any alt-f4 shenanigans. Probably couldn’t do it on my Psyker though. Haven’t tried; but generally I play the psyker less ‘competitively’ and more just to round out playing time across characters to keep in touch. I don’t use the title on an avatar I’ve not completed it on. Actually, I don’t think I use it on the zealot for the most part!

Since the latest crafting changes, I’m also playing a lot of new builds at lots of different levels. Some are objectively better (zealot rapier and bolt gun!). Some are … well, I’m happy to drop a few levels to try them, maybe others don’t think that way.

That said …

I have noticed a lot of bad high ranked players of late - returnees I gues. Recorded some out of sheer curiosity; like the Ogryn that left us all in the lift (getting pox-nuked) to backtrack
half the section for something. Level 369 that guy.