Ministorum Guardian Title

I know this might sound pedantic but i have to say it. Why is Ministorum Guardian a green Title. You have to get >90% of all penances for it make it purple or something, its literally the second last reward in the whole penance road T.T

Edit: Generally having more titles being purple or orange might alleviate the surge of players that are trying to cheese The Auric Storm Survivor


Right… there are so many grindy Penances, like completing 250 Auric missions.
Shouldn’t that be rewarded with a Gold title? If someone does not have luck or skill for Auric Storm Survivor shouldn’t they be rewarded for at least being stubborn bastard?


There already is a gold dongli for playing auric mission.
Although for some strange reason, that thing is awarded at 100 played, not at 250.
They should just move that one to 250 and take it away from everyone who doesn’t have 250 yet.


They could add steps to it, get a purple one for 100 and a orange one for 250.


I’m fairly certain you can’t even get to Ministorum Guardian without completing most maps on auric.
And if you can complete auric missions, what’s the point of that green title?

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Equiped the 50 mealstrom thingy instead of the 100 aurics.
Don’t think the color matters that mutch but would be nice if the title for completing the later penances was purples.

But if you are a new player and starting out from scratch the colors are probably more inline with progression.

Think the mealstrom title should have been like 100+ compleated maelstroms or somthing to not be as pointless.
all it does now is garantee it’s not a non auric player just cheezing penances


Thankfully it doesn’t matter too much imo, as all of the titles beyond Reject are still incredibly lame


We already get a purple.

The purple unlocks at 20 and the orange/yellow at 100.
Really strange.
100 and 250 would make much more sense.

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Since we are talking about cosmetic rewards for penances:

There are multiple cosmetics, which could be “upgraded” by FS with minimal effort, and put in the game in addition to the existing “regular” version.
The penances that are required to unlock those, could reward no penance points. Just put them in for some extra cosmetic stuff to show off.

I would love to see an upgraded version of the “twins - damnation hardmode” dongli (see below), that would be unlocked for clearing (and surviving?) the damnation hard mode at least once with each of the 4 classes.

It could look roughly like this (excuse my MS paint use):

Same thing with the old 1 million (now 500k) kills frame.
Add some glow to it and add it as reward for the final penance tier (reintroduce the 1million kills tier):

Or maybe add a bit of a golden glow around the frame instead (i won’t hurt your eyes by trying to create that effect with MS paint and 20 seconds of effort).

Edit: here is an other one.
Reintroduce the 1500 missions completed penance.
Just add some shiny to the old 1500 (now 500) frame and you got a new frame for the new top tier “missions played“ penance.


yeah big fan of that i love borders with glowy effects like the one you get for 250 special condition missions. Some of the more special penance rewards deffenitelly should have that eye catching effect.


Who cares what the color is? Do you like the sound of it or not?

In SoT, there are oodles of titles and plenty are dopey that are difficult to get or cool-sounding but easy to get. Some people prefer cool ones. Some people show off difficult achievements via their title. And then there are the Legendary Hunters of the Sea of Thieves just chilling.

But it might also have to do with their long-term plan. If they do intend to add more penances and extend the penance reward track, then this stretch of it we are currently on will end up being fairly early rewards. Currently, they are impressive and indicate effort and possibly even skill, but it might eventually be obtainable just by doing each map on Auric Damnation.

It simply does not make sense that all penance point reward track titles are green.
That is the point.
The coloring is inconsistent.

For the 4400 title to be green and it making sense, there would have to be 10000 penance points and 7 more penance point titles, or something like that.


I’m just saying if they have that color code and all that, they should use it consistently. I had A.S.S way way before i got ministorum guardian. That is a bad example tho.
But does it make sense that you need probably at least one of the exploration titles that are blue btw. to get the green title?
I think the color coding is nice if they do it with some sort of logic otherwise just make all titles the same color, thats also okay.
I just want to point out a design flaw.

To add to that, to get to the 4400 mark currently you have not too much room to choose which penances to do. Its pretty hard to get around doing auric and a lot of very grindy ones aswell as almost all class related penances. So its quite the effort to do. Like yeah maybe they add another exploration category with the new update but that changes little to that point.

That was the old 1500 mission portrait, it would be nice to have a new one for 1500. :pleading_face:


Ah yes my bad.
Was not entirely sure if it was 1000 o 1500.
You are right. I will edit to correct.

TBH, when they announced titles, I was hoping for something a little more flavourful than “inquisitorial sh*tkicker X/Y/Z”


The best title is no title. I see to many auric survivors who dies literally in first room.

the funny part was them adding a content creator title when the only people who have it are in a self consumed bubble never joining public games.

But yeah ‘free ranged pre servitor’ not being a title is a massive miss by the dev team. I don’t mind the level titles though, they’re OK. Decently thematic.

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I am currently at 4650 points, and I never use “Auric Survivor”.

My pick for the best title is “Cyber-Falcon” which I use for all my characters and it reminds me of Yu-Gi Oh! and this particular card:


Unfortunately the Cyber birds of 40k look a lot lamer than they do in Yugioh