[PC] Vermintide 2 - Patch - Hotfix


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With 900 hours put into this game it’s sickening that I don’t have exactly what I want for the few characters I do play.

Something has to change.

Maybe you are right that people play for loot but from my POV I disagree or at least argue that those kinds of people are bad for the game. The most pathetic of people that take the lowest path of resistance, use meta characters, meta gear, complain when others don’t and quit at the mere sign of challenge or if a book is lost. Pathetic waste of time.

If you don’t play for the challenge, to push yourself, get better or just for the pleasure of bashing stuff over the head you’re playing the wrong game.

Reply was meant to be to Darth’s post, dunno how to change that.

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I agree in some way, but the game needs ppl to play with and it definately needs support /money in the future. FS have to open the game for a bigger playerbase, if they want to expand V2 or go on with V3.
Im pretty sure, that the minority plays for fun and challenges. We saw the drop after the hype and not even the okri/red changes or the DLC brought that ppl back.
If you finished every map once, you saw the whole game. If you reach lvl 30, you’re able to craft your gear instant. What else remains?
The actual crafting system killed a lot of reasons to play the game and red crafting will go on with that.

Rerolling system is utter trash for sure. Having the trait that you already have on the item be rerolled, multiple times in a row, is a slap in the face.

There are plenty of problems that seem like placeholders or are just obviously placeholders but with imagination there can be reasons to play the game after getting a full set of reds for people that want to grind. Fat shark just need that imagination and to stop putting the handbrake on to fire the same underdeveloped crap to other platforms.

I didn’t intend to get into any arguments here! I haven’t heard of an upcoming beta, but if it’s for a new update or something I would be more than glad to try it out once it’s released. Where can one find more info on it?

We’ll have a beta for the next update soon - we’ll announce it here and in all the other social outlets when it’s up :slight_smile:


hell, if I ever got enough duplicate reds, I’d love to craft missing weapons for fun. That sounds awesome. Because I don’t just play the game for fun, I play it to slaughter countless rats and chaos enemies because it’s great stress relief. Just cover a screen in blood. I’m a simple man, and being able to get the weapons I want for that would be awesome.


Darth says the same thing in most of his replies, and as the “heart” up votes show, barely anyone, most likely no one agrees with him. So I don’t understand why people even bother debating him. No matter what you say to him, he can’t seem to grasp anyone elses point of view. His opinion is right, everyone else is wrong. GG

Looking forward to the update. Keep up the good work FS.

Edit: How did this get reported…


Because anyone cares about any upvote-system in this wonderful community.
If you guys are happy to get your last red fine, but that won’t help the game and is just another waste of FS’s time to work on real content.
You guys are not wrong with your wishes… just start to think out of the box to make this game bigger, better and more attractive for ppl without 1000h +…

Not necessarily, they’ve sold more than 1 mil copies and that’s a lot of money which should keep them going for some time. But I’d really like to know how much did they net with VT2 sales. Numbers for the fiscal year of 2018 are not up yet.

As long as FS doesn’t simplify and dumb the game down for the “greater good” of achieving a bigger player base it will be ok.

I think they’ve got a great formula that will have lasting longevity - especially as they release more mod tools. With custom maps, this game will be able to stand the test of time as well as Left 4 Dead 2, IMO - certainly the core gameplay is much more refined and with a higher skill ceiling than L4D2 (not to diss the classic, of course).

I don’t think innovating is gonna be a bad idea, but the best way to do that will be to consider how to make NEW content within this same dynamic, and perhaps consider new game modes.

Id love to see the ability to reroll items removed completely. That would mean grinding for reds made sense. It would be like diablo where you harvest for a particular item. That part made me stay with diablo for years.

There is one difference between Diablo and Vermintide, amount of items you gain per hour. System you are talking about works well in Diablo franchise because you can obtain tonns of loot and eventually you’ll find what you want.

But in VT we have 3-4 lootboxes per hour at the best, and how many reds will you get per hour? That’s why such a solution can’t work atm, to make it viable FS need a complete rework of the loot system.

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One? How about more. The gameplay in Vermintide keeps them away from making the loot actually, uh, interesting. The reds are boring, the traits are boring, the properties are boring. You get all the weapon types early enough, and from then on, you only want reds because they’re… reds. and they glow. and you waste less dust on rerolling.

I see what youre getting at BUT i disagree on why thats a problem. I love the grind - I LOVE IT but there has to be the occassional carrot pop out of the ground. Longevity of any game, excluding the pure fun factor, revolves around extending end game content as long as possible. Ie: items, skills, etc
giving people the create end game content removes the grind for end game content and leaves only the grind.
If youre confused on how it works or if you disagree then look here:

Grind for grinds sake = Buuuh
Grind for end game content = <3

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In hedges own words, the FS staff use the upvotes to determine which feedback to listen to for updates and fixes. So yes, people do care about them.


How about a system where post 30 levels (paragon for lack of a better term) increases things like damage resistance or veteran item drop rate?

I realize that eventually, this would mean players would have a significantly easier time in legend and getting veteran items, but let’s not forget about deeds.

Also, each hero will only get veteran items for themselves, so it isn’t as if it would trivialize still leveling every other hero up to skyward paragon levels.

Something like this could really make the players feel like they’ve earned their eventually ridiculous power. Then, implementing another difficulty may be realistic in the future.

something like every 1 paragon level is .5% increased veteran drop rate and .2% damage reduction. So you’d have to have many paragon levels to really reap the benefit but nonetheless, it would be there from just one.

Terrible idea?
Great idea?

edit this system could also include an increased rate for hordes or specials as a balance measure. If every player in the party has X number of paragon levels, it’s like Legendary 1.5 or something. Dynamic scaling difficulty without it being a full measure harder.


A higher difficulty can already be done with current gear and items. I run with groups who regularly clear extremely hard deeds on legend.

Also, you will already get so many reds once you start playing legend exclusively. Increasing the drop rate would be kind of silly, if anything it should be higher on new characters and drop to the normal rate at higher lvls. I don’t have anywhere near the amount of time as some of me mates, but I’ve got a ton of red duplicates. Can most likely get every single weapon I’m missing when they add the dust system. Meanwhile, you got people from the SlayingRatsIsLove discord who have 1000+ lvl’s on characters. They have so many legend chests that they haven’t opened because they have all their reds already or their inventory is full. They only open them get deeds once they’re completed all their current deeds.

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So then, sounds like a lot of undeserved crankiness on the forum toward FS. I’m not quite to a place where I’m polishing of Legend like it’s not a thing, but I’ve cleared my share with my friends and we enjoy it. I personally don’t find the red drop rate to be frustratingly low. Obviously, everyone wants reds to drop, but if it happened in every chest then what would be the point?

I’m glad to hear someone affirm my opinion that the game is currently balanced; I was trying to find a solution for all the seemingly disillusioned ratslayers on the forum.

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Yeah, for my part I can’t think of anything really missing from Vermintide other than the apparent (have yet to experience it) red duplication thing.

What are your thoughts about “deeper” or more voluminous content? I personally still haven’t seen every nook of Blightreaper or Pit, and I actually found the exploration challenges fun and rewarding just to see the level of work put into the game.