05 May 2021
- Fixed various miscellaneous crashes.
- Fixed some issues where Skaven spawners weren’t functioning as expected.
- Blueprint illusions for Forgotten Relic weapons should now be named correctly.
- Made Blessing of Isha trigger when an assassin, Life Leach or Packmaster grabs the last player
- Allowed Shade to gain critbuff from ult even when hidden from stealth on backstabs.
- Engineer procing extra shot will no longer consume extra ability power.
- Mask of the Shadow-Slayer hood now shows Kerillian’s neck as expected, instead of a void.
- Naggarond Backstabber no longer has a green emissive on certain settings.
- Re-introduced the Winds of Magic soundtrack for players playing Weaves.
- Chaos Wastes - Engineer procing extra shot will no longer consume extra ability power.
- Chaos Wastes - Fixed talent boons not being granted properly in map shrines.
- Chaos Wastes - It’s now possible to rebind the Chaos Wastes inventory key. (via ‘Menus’ → ‘Inventory Hotkey’)
- Chaos Wastes - Bardin’s Cog Hammer now benefits from being eligible for the correct traits in the Chaos Wastes.
- Chaos Wastes - Reduced bot damage to 30% for the Bolt of Change to avoid bots getting killed too easily.
- Chaos Wastes - Made Blessing of Isha trigger when an assassin, Life Leach or Packmaster grabs the last player.
- Chaos Wastes - Sorcerors will no longer spawn in Khorne arena events.
- Chaos Wastes - Bel’sha’ziier’s Mine - Fixed some floating items and stuck enemy/bot spots and some spots where players could get stuck.
- Chaos Wastes - Bel’sha’ziier’s Mine - Fixed an issue where the end event could be considered finished before being truly finished.
- Chaos Wastes - Bel’sha’ziier’s Mine - Added a fail safe to avoid softlocking the events incase a player disconnects whilst holding an event barrel. If such happens, a new barrel will spawn in after a period of time.
- Chaos Wastes - Holseher’sTower - Fixed various performance/vista issues.
- Chaos Wastes - Holseher’sTower - Fixed some squiffy hang ledges, out of bounds areas, floating items and stuck enemy/bot spots.
- Chaos Wastes - Arena of Determination - Fixed various performance/vista issues.
- Adventure - Old Haunts - Fixed an issue where players further in the map would spawn back at the Church.
- Adventure - Old Haunts - Fixed an spot where bots would refuse to help a downed player.
- Adventure - Old Haunts - Fixed an spot where enemies could climb through floor gate before it had opened.
- Adventure - Old Haunts - Fixed an spot where players could get stuck.