The weekend is when we get the most players, so to get measured feedback it’s best for us to wait to gather that - rather than acting to rashly!
Thank you so much for this! I really appreciate you taking the time to try the changes and for typing this out.
I also don’t think that the problems are the nerfs themselves (even though I think they’ve gone a bit overboard).
The core problem is actually the RNG in obtaining gear.
If your fav loadout/build get’s hit by a nerf it’s a pain in the butt to try out and find different builds and loadouts you like, due to the system.
Thank you. This here is, literally, the first time i’ve seen a CM say they see and understand this issue. It’s a problem that’s gonna buikd for as long as they tell you guys not to address thus problem to our faces outside of patch notes.
That seems reasonable. Thanks for providing an update.
Oh uh mom says i’m special, and i don’t know how close you guys are trying to read all our threads and posts so here is my take about PS problem (basicaly change power sword patterns to be more like those ones shovel has)
What about flamer - new (lower) tank capacity means you need to reload more often and rotate with your teammates while doing this, but… the problem is that it doesn’t realy force you to go melee with melee class that zealot preacher is supposed to be, i mean sometimes it does, but not rly.
If you take flamer you are playing as a flamer-guy, not like it’s a bad thing itself, but maybe there should be some Pyromaniac subcluss for this then? Anyway ammo capacity balance will not change anything. People will not shoot less, but will grab more ammo. Nerfing damage against high threat melee targets probably will help, i think. But more casual auditory and lore maximalists will not like it. So it’s either better to rise elite enemy fire resist for higher difficulties only (if it possible to do such surgical balance changes ) or either there should be some system that force zealot to play melee also, not only flamer.
I also have a feeling that flamer problem could be that damage modifier isn’t the actual main damage stat, but it’s a burning. Applying burn stacks with infinite cleave by spraying, instead of damaging things with fire conus - it is possibly what makes flamer so OP at controling the whole arena.
I am such a person and I fully endorse making ragers and flak ragers and maulers and crushers more resiliant to flamer fire. Which they did do actually. Maybe not enough since using chastise can still totally burn them down but in my gameplay with flamer after the patch i did get forced into melee with such enemies more than once. Which was fun.
I also advocate for something like this to be added to flak assault troops to stiffen them.
But with a mace instead of a gun. As an additional unit, not a full replacement.
It happens more often for sure, but i still think not enough (personal taste), kinda depends on map and event, is there enough space and where are mobs spawn points etc. Maybe this
is a key piece of the puzzle
please also look into buffing the revolver and reworking crucian roulette again (only stacks 4 out of the 5, and got nerfed in half even though it didn’t need a nerf). That wasn’t in this patch, but the patch prior.
also, this is my input on the whole power sword turmoil, and activatable weapons in general:
I am not as negative but this hits on a lot of key issues.
IMO for Power Swords, if youre going to keep 1 charge on base then it needs a movement/base power buff (this is all based on t5 play):
- give it “no dodge limit”; if the goal is to take away the melee offense by reducing charge, then you need to give back on defense, and vet is super squishy when pressured so this will give them some breathing room to reposition for that single charge.
- reduce cleave a bit but increase base uncharged damage so that it doesn’t take so long to kill a few mobs that get in a vets face;
- improve push
good luck! hopefully this gets looked at as its really not fun to play PS anymore in its current state, which was the ultimate carrot weapon and iconic.
Time to remove RNG completely seriously, it’s not about the nerfs anymore…
Flamer is still okay
So is PS, they are both still strong weapons. Please don’t listen to whiny kids who are review bombing, they will always be unhappy when their op toys get taken away. It a huge improvement to the rest of usu as we actually get to play the game without flamer killing everything in seconds.(it still kinda does but eh) Thank you for nerfs that were long due already
I´ve just played a couple of runs with this one. Might need to try the other variant aswell, but it´s in a decent spot and by far not that weak as poeple claim.
It´s still in a very good spot compared to other melee weapons and poeple finally have to interact with the basic-mechanics of the melee combat itself. Clear and stagger is fine aswell.
But if you really buff it back to some point, may try to bring a “BUT” into it. So like:
- 2 charged swings (4 with powercycler), but 20% less damage on them OR -15% damage on the 2nd charged attack, -25% on the 3rd and -35% on the 4th.
This might keep poeple happy who wants to rely on charged attacks, but balance them out especially Powercycler.
- 10% more damage on normal attacks but not if you run powercycler.
This would make the the baseperformance a bit better but not if you rely on Powercycler.
- Higher mobility in general, but charging has a cooldown of 3s after the last swing is done.
Just some examples to keep different stuff balanced meanwhile catering different playstyles.
EDIT: Played on T4 and T5 exclusively.
Please clarify what difficulty you play on b/c at t5 flamer and PS are not a problem.
Most people posting here love this game and want to see it healthy and more importantly grow. This constant “us vs them” or “those kids” stuff from a certain side of players is not constructive and probably contributes to losing players. I can tell you the friends I play with are not kids and for the most part seem to putting this game down now, its not good!
Did you run this PS at t5 or lower?
I play exclusively on t5 hi. Only shock troopers when its available.
Flamer deleted whole rooms of elites in seconds and made otherwise challenging situations non existent as other 3 people just had to stand afk and watch them kill everything on screen with a press of a button. Funnily enough your difficulty argument is super silly since it killed everything even faster on lower tiers.
Well many man children review bombed the game cause their 1 click delete everything button getting nerfed, idk whats wrong with calling it out
T4 and T5
EDIT: I would never judge about weapons / classes on lower difficulties so. They´re no brainer and everything performs super on 1-3.
Thanks for responding. Interestingly that hasn’t been my personal experience at t5, but maybe the flamer wasn’t being used as effectively though in the many runs that I’ve seen it on, as in, there was no standing around by others while the zealot flamed the map away. But I guess we’ll just wait and see what FS decides to do next week.
thanks for responding! I also try to only play t5 except if i need to finish some weeklies then jump on t4. I feel like in pug t5 the PS in current state is significantly worse to use / less fun than my MK V, but I do like your buff ideas. I think a big boost to movement and push if they’re going to keep it 1 charge is probably strongest. I suggested giving it “no dodge limit” like the new force sword as I think that’s the fastest way to buff the defense to allow a vet to make space and will mean its not being used for offense or predominantly as a horde clear. thoughts?