the posts here are a bit like;
“I’ve spent 600k and got something good”,
“I’ve seen more top tier in my 30 hours since the patch than the 300 hours prior”
And I’ve seen people talking about wasting700k to a million Dockets on things.
This is absolutely not going to encourage anyone with less than 30 hours to get back into the game.
Many people’s post with hundreds of k of ordos or stupid amounts of plasteel are still advertising and reinforcing an obscene level of grind and RNG, it’s just the hardcore players here have either 600-800 hours or enough ordos to swamp the system til they get what they want, or both.
As someone who has less than 80 hours, not a lot of Ordos and cannot get what I’d like to try this system is absolutely f*cking bollocks. At best it’s confined me to lower difficulties as I try out lower tier weapons I can afford.
I’m low tier, maybe 1 or 2 transcendent weapons with blessings that belong in the toilet and I think that I can’t even have a hope of getting enough of … anything… to beat the double-down on RNG of the system.
If you’re here, with hundreds of hours and million+ dockets you’re not the target market that FS need to recover. You’re happy to flaggelate yourself into hundreds of hours to beat the horrifying RNG system.
It’s guys like me who literally cannot see a meaningful way of getting anything I want to try without sinking diabolical hours into the game that need to be won back if they want to keep their income flowing.
So erm, FS haven’t done anything new or clever - it’s just that the miniscule percentage of the players who are left have been content with utter sh!t and are happy that the RNG suits them. The fact you need a million dockets to get anywhere is f*cking idiotic.