What do you want to give up? A dodge? Attack speed? Crit damage? Cleave targets? Have you calculated breakpoints with all possible perks and blessings? What about class damage modifiers? Have you calculated team damage, where every bit that everyone brings counts in bringing down bigger targets?
Have you considered that you are spewing pure nonsense? Certainly practically no one agrees with your opinions. On anything. Ever.
Do you think that because an item is ‘good’ enough no one should ever look for a better item, breakpoints or not? Why are those items in the game? If looking for anything above 360 never matters, why do they exist? When powerlevel 400 comes out, is that still the case? What about 500? Should the items be capped at 300 maybe, because clearly, the stats don’t matter? Are T2 blessings as good as T4, do they make no difference? Is looking for maxed loot somehow not what people are supposed to do in a game?
You have failed to answer any of these posts, instead arguing utter and total nonsense. You feel that it’s really easy to get items, and you feel that looking for more than 360 is pointless, therefore everyone else is a moron. Great place to be arguing from.
Yeah but have you paid attention when they disagree and have exactly zero evidence justifying their disagreement? You know, like how you’re here disagreeing on a point where we still haven’t seen ONE example of a slightly-less-than-perfect weapon failing to hit a breakpoint?
Well that means I’m on the side of truth, and you’re on the side of “we just want to bash Axe for no reason”. Does that sound like the side you want to be on? To me only truth matters.
If I was the wrong one, people would be describing a mistake: they’d be laying out evidence proving my position is wrong. Well they’re not doing that.
If there’s no breakpoints, then looking for a better item is pure vanity, so yeah I don’t think there’s a good justification for doing that.
If there is a breakpoint at stake well…we’ve yet to hear ONE example of that, right, so as far as we know there are ZERO breakpoints at stake.
Sorry are you not following the conversation?
some are obsessing over PERFECT items. 380 items with full T4 blessings.
my point is they’re wrong to obsess over that, because 360 items with T4 (or even T3) is nearly always enough to hit all relevant breakpoints. (Though yeah you could nitpick that by “360” I’m privately ruling out the (very) rare weird sub-optimal roll, where a weapon ends up with 56% Damage and 80% of everything else. Granted I still think it’ll be rare for there to be breakpoint differences at 56% vs. 80% – and again I strongly encourage you to use that breakpoint calculator to see just how rare that is!)
Again, my point is that with most 360+ T3+ items, you have max loot.
Their position is that they’re hyper focused on 380 T4-only items, even though the thread still has zero concrete examples of that being meaningfully different.
My position involves items that are really quite common:
you can always get a T4 blessing
I think you might always get a T3 blessing too, and you replace the worse of those T3 with your T4 to create a good combo
you can very quickly generate 360+ attribute items for any weapon type. Costs 50-200k ordos. (I think the average cost is actually quite a lot lower than this, but being generous here.)
it’s rare but not crazy rare to end up with unworkable perks on the first upgrade, so yeah that’s 100k ordos, 200 plasteel gone and you just pick one of the other 360+ items
but the most common case is you get one with at least one workable T3 perk, and roll the other, and now you have a 360+ weapon with T3+T4 perks and T3+T4 blessings. Happens really often, and usually misses exactly zero important breakpoints.
Well that’s my point.
My point is that really common item rolls are 100% effectiveness: the best possible with that weapon apart from the teeniest, tiniest of optimizations where you’re doing slightly more damage so that a teammate’s damage might push something over the top.
So people obsessing over perfection and how many things have to roll perfectly for that to happen are obsessing over something that’s just ultimately meaningless.
Massively improved. Less crashes, less bugs, better balance already, blessings now make a big difference and some of the RNG can be circumvented if you want.
Some poeple around this forum are just here to moan about pretty much everything. Dunno why they still playing… even if something is fixed, buffed or whatever, it´ll boils down to “But you still haven´t done this or that, now my playstyle is ruined” etc…
On the other hand they want godrolls and all freedom to build whatever they want immediately… but how can someone moan about a bugfix then, when they want to try out so many different stuff instead of relying to just 1 playstyle?
The list continues and it´s just pretty much impossible to cater such poeple anyway. They´ll always find something to moan about, it has been the same back at the V2 times, while the game is suddenly an argument like “Why are the sidesystems not like in V2, it was so good”.
It also doesn´t matter how meaningless those 1 or 2 extra percentages are in kind of breakpoints. They just WANT it, that´s all…
And i personally know atleast 1 person here moaning about everything around Psyker, but still playing Psyker all day long. Sounds like masochism to me… or just “likes to get attention and likes for moaning”.
It seems like we’re using different definitions of the word ‘fact’. We’re also, quite obviously, not reading the same posts, since you keep arguing based on what you intended to post instead of what you’ve actually written.
Still glad you and a lucky few enjoy the current iteration of the game. It sucks for the rest of us, but at least it’s not a total waste…
Ps. At least you have the support of @Darth_Angeal. That just have to be a good sign… ds.
They don´t need any kind of supports, a lot of valid points made speak for themselves. And not everyone is hunting for likes or just moan to vent.
The patch fixed of a lot of real issues like not having access to the complete arsenal, that crafting was not fully available, etc… We even got loadouts which is a good thing.
Poeple just need to understand in case of gear, that it´s kinda irrelevant and a completely “you-issue”. You want it so badly instead of seeing the great stuff available in front of you. You don´t play with the possibilities the game offers, instead you want it to be changed your way.
As other said before, 360+ stuff is more than enough to beat the highest difficulties, even lower is possible. Poeple who´ve played V2 before should know that the series is more about skill than stats and those who´re new to the series, should finally get that this is not a RPG where some little percentages will make a huge difference.
My posts have stuck to facts and evidence. I’ve explained to you that it’s quite easy to get 360+ weapons with T3/T4 blessings/perks. I’ve asked you to name ONE example of a weapon like that failing to hit breakpoints that a perfect 380+ T4-everything weapon can hit.
In response, you apparently have nothing.
Well that’s what I mean when I call your posts nonsense: they’re actually built on no foundation in reality at all. By contrast, my criticism is a direct response to your actual position. I’m actually showing you why your attitude towards 380+ perfect items is just you getting yourself angry about something that literally doesn’t matter.
So even with calling things nonsense we see:
I’m supporting my claim with evidence
You’re just using it as a meaningless insult
Why are you mentioning that straw man? Nothing I’ve said here implies I’m fine with everything about the game.
I’ve just explained why your fixation on perfect items is wrong. I’ve shown why it doesn’t “suck” the way you think it does, and that it’s entirely your attitude which is the problem, not the game.
I’m trying to get you to realize that you should make real criticisms that reflect the actual state of the game, rather than just inventing fake reasons to hate things. So if this entire topic is a red herring, and you actually dislike Thing A about the game but you’re complaining about Thing B (the perceived difficulty and importance of getting perfect items), then you need to be self-aware enough to realize that and admit it…and maybe start making valid criticisms of Thing A if that’s what’s secretly bothering you. Because it can’t be Thing B. Thing B is fine on its own.
Deciding what does and doesn’t matter involves more than being ignorant of what any of those numbers do. There really aren’t burner stats, people just cope with those to try to deal with a terrible item system. But on a melee weapon do you really want terrible mobility for the sake of everything else being maxed, which messes up dodge distance/count/range and sprint efficiency all at once? Literally no. The answer ‘b-bu-but you don’t need it’ is laughable. You have 3 bars controlling damage on a chain weapon. So you want near whatever the max modifier score is to even achieve the lofty chain weapon feats of killing certain elites with thrust in one attack. Same with a plasma gun, except it has 4 bars controlling damage and usability.
If you don’t care, then prove it by actually not caring whether there are people that do, because the constant ‘I got mine’ posters gloating about their good fortune with this completely awful itemisation are the ones obsessed at this point. We need to scroll through their screen shots and just get better luck or something.
okay, imagine if you said to me “this dice is crooked! it almost always rolls 1, it’s a cheat dice!” the first thing i would do to test that hypothesis would be roll the dice and see what happens, ideally many times. then i would say, yes you’re right, i rolled it 50 times and got 49 1s, or maybe i would say no i think you’re mistaken, i rolled it 50 times and got about 8 or 9 1s, which is what i expected.
if at this point you said “the constant i got a siiiix posters gloating about their good fortune” in response to this, i would understand that you had no interest whatsoever in knowing if a dice is crooked, instead you were just cursing your bad fortune. that’s fine, people do that all the time, but that is all it is.
i stopped i was concerned about spamming out the threads, when someone tells me to my face that the outcome of an event is “a lottery on top of a lottery”, something i’ve heard many times, the quickest way to disprove that is to win a bunch of times. losing a bunch of times proves nothing, winning repeatedly, in controllable ways, over and over, would demonstrate the relative probability. it would give people a better understanding of the system. tests systems before you criticize them, please.
also, and this isn’t a criticism of you personally, whenever this happens and i interrogate the person in the past i have found routinely they don’t even have the game installed and are quite proud of that fact. as such they have absolutely no observational ability to understand the system, but that sure doesn’t slow their confidence!
‘You need to waste even more materials to qualify why this system is bad’ do you even read your own posts. No, its just more self indulgent tripe. I guess I need to keep feeding the beast until I get more 530+ ratings so I can properly assess them as ludicrously rare, I mean I have like 2. 600 hours play time is not enough, I need to burn more weapons on my path to finding exciting hidden potential. The actual state of people who call this good, honestly.
‘Not nearly enough lottery tickets’ is the issue, yes. Along with the still slow rate of grind and lack of materials for scrapping. Its pretty much all bad and I dread the thought of new content because I’ll have to continually re engage with it from square 1. Just how many more grenade gauntlets do I have to lose to the locks anyway? I’m at 9 and have literally lowered the bar to ‘80/80 damage rolls and at least 65% ammo’.
you quite literally have to either participate in the system somehow and/or somehow otherwise gather what’s known as data to evaluate any system, yes. you don’t gotta do it yourself you could, say, listen to the outcomes that are coming from other people and make an evaluative judgement on that basis, but apparently that’s bragging.
Yea and you can discount the experiences of everyone else at the same time because you got yours. That is why you keep posting that, and then acting defensive like people are accusing you of gloating. While doing it, without any self awareness because it involves higher brain functions you don’t possess, like the ability to understand random chance.
Meanwhile there are people dumping 10s of thousands into power cycler, for it to still not appear, or millions of dockets for something 370+ that doesn’t brick damage rolls. Apparently none of these people did it properly and have no reason to complain. You’re a joke, dude.
Call it luck, but i was just fine with the 367 points on modifiers and upgraded. I haven´t even rerolled anything yet. Dunno about breakpoints, would need to test it… but i doubt the 2% missing damage will do a lot to it.
And that´s exactly how it worked on my other classes. Got 3 really good staves and 2 dualswords on Psyker for example… on top atleast 2 T4 perks from the weekly vendor.
Yes still… it´s not everyone experiencing so. In case of the dualswords i´ve bought like 15 or so. But i seriously doubt that poeple spend 2 million dockets and get nothing. It´s just more like “Mäh it´s still not a 380 roll…” i guess.
it’s crazy i don’t understand random chance at all and seem to be getting routine amazing outcomes, while people (who are spending at ballpark 10k a pop for a chance that i estimate based on observable results from good testing at 2-3%) are getting terrible ones. if only i understood random chance enough to understand why they didn’t get a sub 2-3% outcome in maximum ten tries - better to be lucky than clever i suppose!
speak of the devil - here is me winning the lottery a few more times - i think that’s about, ooh over all characters something like 20 times in three days i met your criteria? dang i must be blessed
The worst thing is that we don’t know if these people “proving” the system is OK with weapon pics got theirs. They got something that is rather high end. Is it what they wanted or is it just any decent stuff they could get?