Patch #4 - Blessings of the Omnissiah

I could post like 40+ double 3s and a couple 3/4s, nobody is even bothered by your pointless brag posting. Its actually more pathetic than anything, but keep on doing you man. Failed trolling and telling people to just luck harder. I bet you’re scratching at the itch to burn more plasteel, get to it lad.


Does it ACTUALLY matter?

This game works still more like diablo or so in kind of loot. Right now different stuff can bring use, because you want to collect blessings anyway.
It might be a thing that you wish to play build X, but here we´re in diablo. You prespecc on stuff you like / have gear for. On your way to your dreamgear, you can and will get other sets that use other skills. Would you throw it away? No… you gonna try it and you´ll probably enjoy it, so you continue to play with that great stuff, even if it´s not the stuff you wanted in the first case, and be happy about other nearly godrolled loot that offers you other playstyles.

And that´s what a lot of poeple here don´t see. It´s always “We need this, so we can try around with builds!”, but in the end they don´t even wanna try…otherwise there would be no real reason to blame the current system, because it shows up with a bunch of different possibilities on pretty good weapons.
Yes, it´s no godroll you can reskill all day long the most times. But it´s stuff you can easily use to try new builds and to gain new power. And yet here we are and it´s obviously that poeple don´t want to try out different things… they want to have the good stuff immediately to feel super broken, instead of dealing with side-systems or RNG that could cost the 1% damage.

i will and did, funny enough - hey during the time we were talking i found an autopistol shredder in the store with pinning barrage, which i wanted to try (you can actually evidence this one, i talked yesterday how i couldn’t do this). it’s a gimmick i don’t care i wanna play with it so i was fine with the T2 pinning, i have continuous fire in my stock so i can put them on and wouldn’t you know it - the RNG enormously owned me, dang it.

now, i put continuous barrage on there i lose this T4 i just rolled! i have to make an evaluative decision if i wanna keep it, sac it or overwrite it. i don’t have inspiring in my inventory so i’m stuck. i might play with it a bit and then sac it, or see if i can get T3 or better pinning, that might be an interesting combo.

it’s almost like i’m not bragging at all, i’m making evaluative judgements of the system based on observation. and people get angry at that because it challenges their extremely, extremely flawed assumptions about how the system works they refuse to test at all. dang,

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Right because no one but you have tested it. It’s not like these forums and reddit and steam are full of people that have the exact opposite experience to the one you claim you have. You clearly don’t have the faintest idea of what RNG and statistics actually mean. Not that it matters. No amount of bragging posts can make the system good, because it isn’t good. Players will continue to leave.


OK? I have T4 pinning fire and T4 inspiring on my Zealot. Its still bad (the system the SMG is pretty good as of last update). My friend who grinded like 27k plasteel on his vet has a pile of some 40+ power swords to scrap. Results not typical is the issue, at least a bad luck protection or any number of the mechanics similar gacha games employ to counter the disappointment of the regular occurrence of sideways dice. Aka player retention. Especially now that blue armory weapons got added to the sink list.


i dunno man, you tell me. are you telling me i made it up, including video evidence? did the other sources of information that are abundant and clearly back up your point and (marvellous, obviously just a little too large to fit in the margin) hit that criteria? can’t imagine any problems with this perfect sample, far be it from me to cast ill light on the treasured institutions factual information known as reddit and the steam forums.

i’m so so sorry to hear that, bud. god i wish this game had been just a little better and you would have stayed, i’m just tore up inside, then you might have been able to do any testing to prove just how terrible the system is. but that opportunity is over. i will see you on the dusty trails, my friend. godspeed.

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what was his strategy, may i ask? was he leveling to gold or to blue. it’s definitely possible for that to happen with both but i am increasingly suspect that the new system going to gold is a poor strategy unless you wanna keep it.

of course it’s not your friends fault if they didn’t know this, opaque systems are terrible and as is the system hugely rewards mastery/understanding of hidden mechanics. which isn’t ideal but i might be able to write a guide around once i’ve done more testing and gotten a larger sample.

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(Feeding the trolls…)

Well, it matters since the game claims it wants us to experiment.

As I have said earlier, when I occasionally play, I am ignoring all the perks and blessings because I have zero incentive to do anything with them. From that perspective, this patch made it easier for me to get any item I might try to check out, but also gets me back to “but why bother with the stats on individual items”.

Your point about looter has been argued before. If you enjoy this concept as implemented in the DT, which you seem to, good for you. I definitively do not.


Should we try to make our opinions match reality, or try to make reality match our opinions? Because when many players report how easy it is to get great gear (like the recent screenshots), at what point are you going to actually start engaging with the system? (Because at this point it feels like you’ve never crafted a single item in the new system.)

I didn’t meticulously analyze it, but this guy’s Reddit post definitely seemed in the ballpark of the right strategy (and is close to the sorts of things I just naturally ended up doing). At a minimum it’s the right mindset players should have in tackling the system

Honestly the fact that there’s skill to crafting (you can do it poorly and you can do it well) is one of the things I like most about it.



i dunno if i’d use the word skill, but there’s definitely a system mastery element. i’m doing better largely cause i tried to analyze the system and do silly metagamey things like ask a lot of other people, seek good sample data, etc.

system mastery is bad and with its partner trap options gets worse. but if i could make the grind less frustrating for someone with a guide i think i wanna do that.

Not the person you replied to, but this gun is 12 damage shy of two bursting a mauler in VF (excluding crits, which are an unreliable luxury mechanic at best). Disregarding blessings, If we simply examine the gun’s stats and perks. Just a few extra % in damage/stopping power, tier 4 flak, would turn maulers from a wasteful 3 to a clean 2 burst kill.


After months of not playing, I logged in just to test the crafting myself.
Locking traits and blessings felt so bad, I immediatly regretted loggin in.


Just to say it…
Since the patch, the global evaluation of Darktide has progressed of 1% in steam (53 → 54%) while the recent reviews has increased from 28 to 41% (so 13 points).

Latest reviews are more than 50% positives.
It seems that the majority is happy by these changes.

I think yet that the game needs more missions. But crafting is not the problem now.

You just have to test it, and you can easily find what you need in the game. Sure, you have to play, the game won’t give it to you at the first logging (yes I know it is sad…) but you can get really good weapons easily.

Now, I will go out of the thread (again) and let the discussion continues.


I dont expect that I get something the first time I log in. But till now I put a bunch of hours into the game, farmed a bunch of mats and you would expect something out of it. And you probably can now(if you are lucky, or have X mats) but this doesnt change it for me that locking stuff is plain stupid and feels like wasting time. The bad RNG still sucks.


So were you agreeing, or should we expect an eloquently-stated evidence-based reason for disagreeing?

Why not?

  • does chess involve skill? It does.
  • does chess involve execution skill? It doesn’t. (There’s no “twitch skill” to moving a piece, it’s pure decision-making.)
  • in a broad sense, what percent of players have even a rough strategy of how they approach the new system? Probably not many.
  • in a specific sense, what percent of players take the perfectly-most-efficient number of steps to get good weapons? Almost none. (Probably even the person who wrote that Reddit guide doesn’t adhere to it perfectly and still makes the occasional mistake.)

So then (A) clearly it involves skill (strategic skill) and (B) clearly it’s deep enough that the vast majority of players aren’t taking the perfect most-efficient steps to each new item they craft, so there’s room for those players to improve their skill.

Well those are good traits for a game to have!

Honestly, I felt like they delayed crafting so that the negative review bomb was out of the “recent” zone on steam so it would look like improvements were made. Overall reviews haven’t changed much at all. Still at the same 54%


What´s trolling about the topic? There are valid points made about the current design and that it´s not as bad as poeple claim to be. Just because you don´t like it, doesn´t mean that others troll.

And here we are. Dunno what have been argued exactly, i haven´t read all. But the game clearly went more the way of diablo than getting red-items aka godrolls that easy as you got it in V2.
Yes there are valid points why godrolls are fine, but there are also valid points for what we have. It´s definately a matter of choice what any player out there prefers by themself.

You don´t like it, that´s fine. But other do, or can atleast live with it for several reasons. So who should FS cater? Who knows… but it´s obviously the easiest way to stay to a system which is already a thing.

As i´ve said in other threads… nothing against new challenging content, which will come with some new materials or a vendor offering new items that lets you unlock locked traits / blessings or upgrade them percentage by percentage.
There are possibilities to improve the current system into the right direction meanwhile offering a decent endgame-loop for a more loot-orientated game and long-time progression. But instagodrolls? Nothing is more boring… and they are already a thing. Not permanently, but they´re there.

Yes and as i´ve written down, it doesn´t make sense what poeple claim here then. The game clearly gives you dozens of different stuff to play with, so it offers you to experiment with new stuff. But how comes that you or others don´t want to deal with it? You could just use and test the stuff you already own… but no, you want probably atleast 378-380 rolls with full T4 blessings “to try around”.
Collecting blessings and being able to get the weapon you want fixed the major-issues with crafting and the gameplay itself. The rest is completely irrelevant since again, this is no RPG where stats highly matter.
It´s your own mind hindering you to enjoy the game, because you´re way too focused on min/max then the game itself.

You made me laugh a lot…

In France we say: “when you want to drown your dog, you say he has rabies”

Yes, the item system has been so bad that I don’t even think about all the other stuff that I find not very adequate at best. Good job, FS!

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