Patch #4 - Blessings of the Omnissiah

That’s not how you should do it…
You run mission, you buy grey weapon to craft OR merk’s weapon to get good blessing that was here or to use a weapon. You craft only good weapons.
The good weapons, you keep, other you give to Hadron to get the blessings you don’t have (T3-T4) and sell everything else.

At least it is what I do. I push my luck only with very good weapon that are like 370+. Others, if at blue it is not good, I go for an other grey weapon.

Ordos and materials are easy to find now.

I don’t have to be happy or not… I love the game and I think that the system is fine.
But I guess you wait to get numbers that will prove that you are right…

Seriously, I think that your point is well understood. You said yourself that FS did not consider the demands to remove RNG. So, what do you expect now?

And yes I want something better. Actually I have things that annoy me… mainly the interface when you surrender a weapon or for refining a weapon. We asked that we don’t have to reroll lot of time when the refining cost nothing and they made it worse.
I have concerns with stability, bugs (did I say that Rashad axe has a bug?) and even cosmetics (weapons)…
But, for crafting, I am afraid that I have no concern with this system, especially now that we can find lot of ordos/materials.
We get 20k ordos every heresy+ missions and 600 min plasteel (and you can get 800 if you pay attention in damnation maps)… so you can try a lot of times to get something you want.
I have understood your concerns. You don’t want to play with the RNG. And here I don’t have real great solutions, OR you try to not pay attention to the numbers and play the game, OR… well you know.

Yes. You win jackpot, I get run over by a bus.

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I think the sharing of god rolls only exacerbates the issue honestly. It’s like “look at all the cool gear I will never get to have”. Would be pretty cool to have 1 shot with a perfectly rolled trauma, or to override cleave with T4 limbsplitter and headhunter on a perfect MK5 combat axe. I would even try zealot (if resources weren’t siloed) if I can easily try the perfect shotgun that 1-tap all non-ogryns in ADS under the effects of the “armor downgrade glitch” (Carapace–> Flak; Flak–> Unarmored) whilst ulting. But that’s a lot of looking at item menus for a class I barely play, and even if I did, I would practically never achieve it.

It’s like a strip club for weapons. You can look but not touch. Unless you pay with aquila maybe.

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Since the release of the game I’ve made about 10 legendary force swords, and about 30 or so blue ones. This sums up the issue I have with crafting at the moment:


*Also look at all the blessing and weapon changes. This will suck so hard if they nerf/change weapons and you can’t adapt because they have locks (or frustrating you threw away weapons that would have been good post patch).

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And this sums up the consistency of melks shop/emperors gifts on the psyker:

In fact I have never received a force sword emp’s gift. Not one. I’ve been playing since release.


If they want to remove passive quelling on non-force weapons they should just remove all non-force weapons then :smiley:

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At the moment some of you guys will finally be like “Ok, then i only have a 360 weapon with t3 perks, i´m fine.”, then i´ll promise you, that you´ll have way more fun playing the game.

Like seriously… 1% of stats won´t make that big difference especially if we don´t talk about the damage bar. The rest can be adjusted like its done in a lot of PvE games, one can be rerolled, the other gets locked.
Yes i get that you want your godrolls and 100% customization as it has been a thing in V2, but this also kills any kind of progress. With the current system we can get whatever weapon we want and all ressources are used. Yes it´s still based on RNG, but if you really throw a 350 or 360 weapon away, when you can clear damnation with way less, then i don´t know what to say.
To collect blessings finally is a welcome addition. Again yes, one of them is locked for rerolls, but even here it´s just poeple being like “Mäh i don´t get a 380 weapon with the blessings i want…”. Choose a lower weapon with those blessings then? Dunno…

Again, i do get that you pretty much “need” those godrolls obviously. But the gameplay doesn´t need them. You probably won´t even recognize the most stats you throw on a weapon. It´s like going from a 29% critchance to 30%… just one hit more out of hundred will crit statistically, and this one might even be some random slash caused by borderness in an elevator or so.

The system isn´t perfect yet and there are some adjustments and definately content needed. But it´s a better base to keep you engaged with than having godrolls after playing a handful of heresy runs, just to give a sheet on any future chest and overall crafting. The current system is not that different from games like Diablo. And if you don´t like such “grindy games” but the coregameplay, then it would probably be better to go back to V2.

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They delayed crafting for 3 months to deal with concerns regarding progression. What they came up with was something that relied even more on RNG and grind, and removing their only planned deterministic progression system in the whole game - combining blessings. Now it’s all RNG, and they have removed any and all options to actually work towards something. All you can do is buy more lottery tickets, upgrade them to slightly better tickets in the hope they roll a good blessing. Rinse and repeat.

It’s frankly offensive that they had the system ready in december, but postponed it in order to give us… this utter and complete bullsh’t.


I disagree. I think people will get all the 360+ good weapons and curios on all the characters they care about… and then they will still keep looking and interacting with the itemisation system. But now it will be even WORSE because they will have marginal profits/gains. Emperors gifts will keep dropping, they will still get ordos to spend and dockets to look at. They will still be incentivized to run past the stores and see what’s there because the insidious part of “But hey, there COULD be that tier 4 blessing I have been keeping my eye out for in the hundreds of hours of playing could be there, don’t want to miss it” or “Hey the store’s going to refresh in 2 minutes, may as well take a look”. People in games like to be efficient and like to have goals. And if a breakpoint is important to test out then the marginal differences do have objective differences. 1 shot vs 2 on a kickback on a pox hound makes a world of difference.

It begs the question as to WHY the devs designed it this way, what intentions did they have in mind and is it achieving that end? It certainly doesn’t “fill us with wonder and possibilities” with every weapon. More like “trash, trash, trash x99, ehh, maybe, trash, may as well extract for blessing, trashx12, ok good lets upgrade it… it’s bricked, trash, tash… ad infinitum”.

You believed that?
They delayed it to work on the port to the xbox… The bad reviews made them changing their views.
They never had the intention to change the system. At one time I told it to you guys and all have fallen on me telling that I was just defending them and that with such attitude we were accepting the unacceptable.
But, it is not that. It is their game, and they made their choice. It can be bad choices, you can think them like that, but… this won’t make them considering changes.
They consider changes cause of the sells. Not anything else.
You think I am too conciliant… maybe

I surely not the only one that suggested such things… and even if it is just a little progress, I prefer a little progress than nothing.

True… if it was ready… but it wasn’t cause they were busy at working on the port.
But I share your opinion about the fact it is offending… the reasons are just different. I think it is offending that they delivered something they promised in december 3 months later and that we had to beg for it.
But, that being said… I love the game and I love to play it… a little too much if you ask my wife.
So, I will continue to suggest things that I think they could consider to implement in the game and will try to not fight against windmills… so what I think that will never be considered, then I won’t loose time at suggesting them

I find this a weird justification to it especially when it’s very clear that this isn’t assessing that some classes do infact need to hit specific breakpoints and have specific blessings to make some skills and setups acctually work.

Not everyone can run vet with the mk 7 las gun and nuke all but a handful of enemies in the game while maintaining an honestly stupid level of toughness, sone classes actually do require those specific stats, weapons, and builds to stay competitive.

Comparing to Diablo is stupid because the thing with diablo is you get an absolute mountain of free loot and loot is the entire point of the game however even Diablo has guaranteed loot for seasonal characters and has rng mitigation built on as well as the ability to trade with others playing with you.

Like is it so much to ask to, idk, maybe tighten up the RNG so people aren’t rolling 280 weapons at level 30?


Of course I didn’t believe it. I called BS on it right away. Right here on the forums, in the open letter thread.
But this is what they claimed. Are you blaming FatShark for being evil greedy liars, or are you blaming paying customers for believing them? It sure sounds like you’re blaming the paying customers for wanting and believing FatShark would deliver a system that wasn’t hateful, instead of blaming FatShark for being liars, and delivering an absolute turd of a system.

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And honestly I don’t think the patch even did that much. Players went from ~5000 to ~8000, which will probably taper off in a week at most I would guess. Already looking like it’s going down again. Steam reviews for positive went up a small amount the day of the patch, and next day now it’s pretty much back to being mixed ~50% of reviews each day are negative.

Even for the people who like/don’t mind the crafting/item systems I think this is still butchering the game in terms of players and reviews.


I can assure you that you can survive without a 380 weapon with 2 T4 blessing and T4 perks…

This is called… it start by a s…
There’s also an other word… practice.

And you don’t compete… this is a collaboration game.

Thing is it sucks playing with someone who has max items and one shots everything and you’re just hunting for crafting components around every nook and cranny to make yourself useful.

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Yeah they delivered no new content, they just put in a system that should have been there at launch - and the system they put in is absolutely crap. People will very quickly realize all the RNG is still there, even more so in some ways, and leave.

CoH 3 is out today. KSP 2 tomorrow. More is coming for people who want a game to spend lots of time in (genres aside. People play a lot of different genres.)

This crafting patch was their chance to show they had listened to feedback and actually wanted to deliver fun systems after 3 months of nothing.

They failed. They chose to go deeper down into the dark hellhole of greed and RNG.

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Play in damnation… Excepted when you will see the players that have flamer using it (not so much in damnation difficulty), I can assure you that you will find several enemies to shoot at.

Now imagine i play all classes and mostly off-meta weapons. I´ve waited until now to actually reroll anything and all i do imo is throwing my weapons for blessings into Hadrons face. But until now i´ve only missed one map to beat on damantion, because it was never there when i was online.

That said, the game rewards skill way more than stats and no, you don´t need that breakpoints to beat heresy+, it´s just comfort and makes things easier.
And even if we would take into account, then i´m sure it´ll rarely the case where you actually miss like 1-5 damage points for a breakpoint.

You could always be like, “Ok, i can´t hit the breakpoint for the crusher, so maybe i should rethink and concentrate on ragers or something.”

No it´s not. You get dozens of useless stuff there and grind grind grind once the levelphase is over. Maybe you get the stuff you want with a handful more stats or in ancient or you just don´t. You can´t reroll everything aswell and it´ll get very expensive to upgrade for godrolls.
Here you don´t get loot immediately. You walk to the armory and buy the weapon you actually WANT to grind for. That´s already a huge + compared to Diablo.

EDIT: The only major difference is that stuff in Diablo can actually assist or change abilities, while the tide-series is mostly (sadly) just about numbers.

Because it´s mostly only the handful of poeple here care so much about crafting and some godrolls. The most just need content and a real endgame the game doesn´t have imo.

I am convinced they lied… I cannot prove it.
Anyways, it doesn’t change the outcome. We had to wait…
But that’s just a game, this is not a medication that I needed to survive…