Patch #4 - Blessings of the Omnissiah

You can keep making these straw men arguments, you can keep moving the goalposts, you can keep cherry picking things to suit your argument, but thats not going to change my dislike for this system, so give it a rest.

If you are happy with the system, thats fine, that is your privilege.
I on the other hand, enjoy the game play itself, but have no love for most of the support systems surrounding the game play and will continue asking for changes to make the systems less tedious to deal with.



That’s even lower than anything that’s ever generated in the shop in my whole time as level 30.

In what world is this “improving” the ability to acquire items if the pool has WORSENED from normal shop generation?


Yeah i also got plenty of weapons that were under 300. Think my lowest rolled like 281.

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You just suck at RNG, gitgud scrub!!!


2 millions and 8 bases 360+? you must have killed one dev…

No seriously, I started with 1 million. And I have tried several weapons. I don’t try always to craft high modifiers weapons as I search only several values and I would prefer one item that has these values over an other one with great modifier rate but not the value(s) I want.
But, I have found 9 weapons, at least that were more than 360 (and I am pretty sure that it is more than that).
I am not alone as you can see here and here.

And I said it before here.

IT’S RNG. You’re just bragging about your good luck. That’s not how luck works, Not everyone is going to see the same results as you, and that’s one of the contentious points about pure RNG systems.


There’s also odds.
That’s statistic.

Ok but you do understand that there is a good chance that people can and do land on either end of the bell curve and do it often with this kind of system right?

Stats are useless without context and short of a large number of people taking notes on it you could very well be on the low end.

Actually your sample size is extremely small looking at it, it’s basically you and one other person.

You can’t really yell “math! Statistics!” when the sample size is literally 2 people .


I mean i can screenshot those 50 evis i still got after disassembling for 15 mins … (oh yea plz mass sell fatshark)

Statistics is not probability, they’re two different things. Especially if there’s no system to normalise the RNG. Why the flying kark did they lower the odds on getting a good weapon with this system?

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43 power swords, high of 366, low of 283, average 327, 2 swords 360+, 5 swords below 300. This entire excercise felt like a waste of time.


They really have made no effort whatsoever to mitigate RNG. Unlocked blessings and perks would be the bare minimum to make this system work, but ideally the lottery stores need to give much better items, and/or we need a way to increase ratings of items.

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you’ve kind of answered your own question here. i think the intended design loop is for you to buy a lot of weapons, level some weapons including some not just for stats and build your blessing inventory that way. i have analogized these to scratchoffs, please do not think this as an endorsement of the system but - run three damnation runs, spend all the currency you get getting these power swords just to blue, the new consecrate does not seem to favour the second roll anywhere near as much, as such it’s purely a blessings booster pack.

that’s why plasteel is so abundant now, i think i understand the system completely now. because getting it to blue doesn’t cost diamantene. i just did it on a throwoutable power sword and look -

that’s why the frigging blessing rolls aren’t at disadvantage anymore! it costs less for lower tier items too, so doing this to fill your inventory is cheaper. that’s actually quite clever.

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I don’t want to roll a million weapons, I want to build towards a good weapon. It’s not satisfying to throw away lots of 50 weapons away at a time. It’s still RNG.


Even if the odds and probabilities were good it is a tiring exercise. Waiting for stores to rotate, running back and forth to see if you have that blessing at that tier unlocked, draining all ordos on grey’s (but hopefully not too much in case something decent does spawn) waste crafting materials upgrading and disassembling or selling…

Like… Is it too much for me to ask to play the game? Why is a third of my time spent scrolling through curios and weapons that are 95% useless to me?


whisper: “and it won’t change, as they made their choice”

Sorry, but you have to adapt… or you need a new game by waiting the time where, maybe, there will be a similar outcome as VT2 at the end of its life.

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I don’t know. I think if enough people protested and asked for change and stopped playing the game, citing that as their reason, it would be sensible to see change no? If literally the player base was 0 and all were asking for the locks to be removed, we can assume they probably would right? So the question is how many players and percentages would be needed for them to decide it’s worth their time to change it.


As long as it doesn’t change, the game will continue to die. You seem to be oddly happy with this outcome, though. Swallow the sh’it, smile and don’t complain, hm? Don’t you dare wish for something better.


And rolling over for belly rubs won’t make it any better ever.

VT2 at launch still wasn’t quite this bad. Why is the base rating range more than 10 times larger than VT2? Why are there 3 times the RNG?

Just because I can put up with or work around a bad system doesn’t make it any less bad.