Patch #17 Notes - Live Now!

I actually disagree entirely and think this is an L take.

Now there’s no reason TO leave someone to die. Before if you couldn’t get to them in time than it was also gonna attack whoever was trying to help with the most zeal.

They did just try fixing the slab shield aggro thing so I could see that itself being a bit of a balancing action.

But saying noone will help them no makes no sense at all. Before if you left the one player, than it wouldn’t attack anyone most of the time after killing them. So now youre not pulling more of its aggro by trying to kill it. You either help your buddy or you don’t.

I don’t mind how it was before, but I also feel bad when I wake one up and then someone dies with me because they tried to help instead of letting me kite it away.

Also with how inconsistent they are anyways, it’s nice for them to work more consistently.

I also think it will be easier to kill the DH now that people know they can bumrush the DH without it going at them as well. As before they’re would usually be like a few second window where players are addressing whether to help them or leave them.

There’s no reason not to help now so may as well charge in


thank you for making this thread more fun to read.

I’ll admit it, im on team “negative emotions” mostly because I clicked on a “Patch 17” post ready to read what’s new just to realize it was another “Hotfix”



But that’s not true. DH still only took one most of the time. We literally having trouble helping some new players with penances cause it kept dipping after 1.

And it very rarely aggrod you after killing someone if you were not doing any damage to it. You could already easily leave someone behind and it would not attack anyone. Imo this should happen less as there’s no risk for helping your buds now

see my above post. The game is still absolutely busted (to quote you), half the fixes dont work. Especially the ones for the most complained about things are hardly improved if at all.


It’s fine to have negative feelings, honestly. Many people here do. But unlike the Steam forums this place is rather clean, if you know what I mean.


Another patch that brings little to nothing . Crafitng untouched, no content added, but you had to mess with the power sword for some reason… It is my personal opinion that probably will only affect me but this change you made to the power sword is absolutely infuriating. This is weak. Game crashed on me already after mission was finished. FS you do realize that people actually have lives and plan their day? Not letting anyone know that there’s a patch coming in that will make people wait for download insted of playing the game as they have planned is another small irritable thing that you could avoid. So much for caring about other peoples time.

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Please for the love of god tell me you have fixed or will fix the spawns ie the director. Its been bugged for months and it affects malice heresy and damnation. Every single game with no modifiers including low intensity is basically a hi intensity shock troop gauntlet mission or worse. There are tons of reddit posts about it even as new as yesterday and to my knowledge its not fixed. The rate at which elites and specialists are spawning in regular missions is pure insanity and with that being said who knows how crazy missions with modifiers are. It is an extremely annoying problem and im going to assume it also affects people who are new to damnation who dont know this is a problem to begin with. Its worse then when the director was bugged before way worse. I made a new psyker like two weeks ago out of bored and I saw the same problem in malice and heresy but its obviously magnified X1000 in damnation. That problem alone is probably a huge reason why people have stopped playing this game because whats the point of playing if we all of a sudden start losing way more games because of this problem? Please fix your game fatshark because its been broken for months at this point. If the average player wanted to play hi shock or crazier every game we would play maelstrom and most of us dont.

Alot of people dont know that one of the trapper sound cues coded in the game is barely audible in the psykanium, let alone in game. That is the problem with the trapper and imo the trapper is poorly designed and shouldnt exist at all. The reason why you dont hear the trapper until the net is shot is because the sound that was used when they spawned in cannot be heard amidst everything else going on and it was coded that way.

9.6 gigs for a powersword change and hud elements and 293532953 premium cosmetics (added in secret unless you have the mod) gg after MONTHS of nothing


Thank the Emperor for our Space Maids.


yeah bugfixes are neat and all but any news on the “working on something big we can’t talk about yet and need to be painfully quiet about”

Thanks for fixing the cadian revolver skin (couldn’t find it in patchnotes, I might just be blind thought)


I have the mod. Didn’t see any new cosmetics unless there is a new version of the mod I don’t have.

Edit: Correction, I found it. There is quite a few new pieces. Here’s hoping the Commissary will also get a chunky update soon.



Man I don’t know what I triggered here, but clearly I rustled some jimmies.

We’re talking about a live service game that’s bleeding 30% of its active player count each month for the last three months (over the holidays no less), that cant get out anything but some bug fixes and…shovels, in 5 months, and that is not a healthy state of affairs for that product. That’s just the current market reality.

Particularly not while every community interaction platform is aflame telling them a pretty consistent message about whats wrong, and Fatshark steadfastly refuses to talk about it.

You can be mad about that, but it doesn’t change the fact that some bug fixes, even if needed ones, are a poor showing for 5 months of dev effort in a GaaS title.


At least it’s not Payday 3


Scion chest piece (with no gloves) in a tan color scheme

and yes there be a new version of the mod on modding discord


Fair, though I’m not sure total abject failure is much of a bar :rofl:

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Can you tell me if there’s also new scion helmets please?

CLOSE RANGE still bugged at 8 m instead of 15.


I very much enjoy all of the fixes presented here but… Well, I was hoping for a balance patch to fix all of the ‘meta’ weapons like the blue Columnus Infantry Autogun, the green revolver, and the Plasma Gun, stopping them from being too common and over-saturated. Or better yet, nerf or remove the ammo aura on Veteran. I think that’d solve a lot of the overused weapons issues. I mostly play Veteran and I can easily tell you that the Scavenger aura is unhealthy for the game. Make it like Bardin’s scavenger ability where enemies just drops small ammo boxes at the very least.