Patch #17 Notes - Live Now!

Devoted Rejects,

Here are the patch notes for Patch #17, which just went live on Steam and it will shortly be available on our other platforms.

New Additions

Power Sword Special Activation

We have added a second weapon special activation action in the attack chain of the power swords. This new activation allows the player to continue an attack chain if using the weapon special in the middle of one. This mid chain activation was added to allow for a more varied attack pattern even with frequent use of the weapon special.

  • Munitorum Mk III Power Sword
    • The new activation will chain into the second light or heavy attacks. These attacks are very similar to the first light and heavy, just mirrored.
  • Munitorum Mk VI Power Sword
    • The new activation will chain into the second light attack or a new heavy that mirrors the first heavy diagonally down attack.

Dev note: We hope that these changes will make using the power swords to purge heretics from Atoma Prime a more enjoyable experience for you and a less so for the enemies of the Imperium. The emperor protects.

Spectating HUD

  • We have enabled more HUD elements to be shown when spectating a player while waiting for rescue. We hope that this will give players more awareness of what is happening with the team while they wait.

Auspex Scanner HUD

  • Added an icon for the Auspex scanner to the HUD on the bottom right of the screen, displayed only during scanning events. This should allow players to more easily see when they can equip the scanner during these events.

Example no.1 for Auspex ScannerExample no. 2 for Auspex Scanner


We are adding some improvements and fixes to our Subtitles system in this patch as follows:

  • Subtitles will now be prioritised by importance.
  • Two subtitles will now be displayed simultaneously. This can be turned off in Interface settings.
  • Player speaker indicators are now colour coded by their assigned Strike Team colour.
  • Speaker Indicator setting now functions as intended.

Bug Fixes and General Changes

Weapon Description

We added weapon descriptions to the weapon inspect menu. It gives a short in-world description of the weapon adding some extra context, lore and flavour.

Weapon Description Screenshot

Talents - Abilities, Blitzes, Keystones and Auras


  • Fixed so that shouts that target enemies require a direct line of sight to hit sleeping Daemonhosts. This affects both Veteran talent “Voice Of Command” and Ogryn talent “Loyal Protector”.
  • Fixed an issue where abilities such as Veteran talent “Voice Of Command” and Ogryn talent “Loyal Protector” did not apply aggro on the correct player when waking up a Daemonhost.
  • Fixed an issue where Damage would spillover even with Zealots “Bolstering Prayer” or Veterans “Voice of Command” Toughness Bonus Active.
  • Fixed an issue where projectiles could receive or trigger the buffs from the wielded weapon blessings in unintended ways.

Dev note: All projectiles, including projectiles from weapons like Psyker Force Staves and Ogryn Rumbler or player blitz abilities like Psyker “Assail” or Zealot “Blades of Faith” etc, now will only receive the buffs that were active when the projectile was fired/thrown/spawned from the player and keeps those buffs during its trajectory. This for example means that the projectile will have the damage and power the player had when shooting it and they will not time out or be lost during the flight of the projectile.


  • Fixed an issue where the Ogryn talent “Pulverise” inflicted more Bleed stacks than expected to enemies hit at the very end of the charge.


  • Slightly lowered the time of the damage animation of “Brain Burst" and “Brain Rupture”, and it should now scale properly with the Speed increases from “Kinetic Resonance” and “Empowered Psionics”.
  • Fixed an issue where the Psyker “Assail” Blitz did not recover charges up to the enhanced cap of 12 in the “Enhanced Blitz” Maelstrom mission modifier.


  • Fixed an issue where ‘Get Back in the Fight!’ talent didn’t grant stun immunity on the attack that broke toughness.
  • Fixed issue where ‘Leave No One Behind’ talent didn’t properly grant faster Assists.
  • Fixed an issue with ‘Shock Trooper’ talent causing rapid fire weapons to consume ammo during Critical Strikes.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Always Prepared” talent caused animation issues when switching to a weapon that is mid-reload and you get ammo in the clip from the talent.
  • Fixed issue where Veteran base Aura “Scavenger” was stacking with the upgraded “Survivalist” Aura.
  • Fixed an issue with “Field Improvisation” Talent that would allow Ogryns to find “Big Friendly Rocks” in ammo crates. Additionally fixed an issue which prevented being able to pick up grenades from ammo crates affected by “Field Improvisation” when having a full ammo reserve, but not a full grenade reserve.’
  • Smoke Grenades should now stop enemies from shooting through the smoke instantly and prevent Scab Snipers from taking aim and shooting through the smoke.


  • Fixed the action chaining to quick throw for the Zealot “Blades of Faith” blitz on some weapons.

Dev note: Some specific attacks, like the Turtolsky Mk VII Heavy Sword first light attack, could not be cancelled into “Blades of Faith“.

Weapons - Melee


  • Fixed an issue on several melee weapons where you would cancel push followup attack before it executed to completion if you also held the sprint button when starting the attack.

Foldable shovels - Sapper Shovel Mk II & Mk VII, Latrine Shovels Mk XIX & Mk V

  • Fixed incorrect action chaining from push with start attack from foldable Sapper Shovels (Mk II & Mk VII) and foldable Latrine Shovels (Mk XIX & Mk V) when the shovel is folded.

Standard-issue Munitorum Sapper Shovel

  • Increased time it takes to unwield the weapon after using weapon special, to potentially prevent exploits of very high attack speeds with weapon special.

Thunder Hammers

  • Fixed an issue where the activated special attacks from Thunder Hammers could interact with barrels, effectively “hitting” them and wasting the attack.

Chain Weapons

  • Fixed a crash that could happen when sawing enemies with chain weapons activated special attacks.

Power Mauls

  • Fixed an issue where the Indignatus Mk IVe Crusher and Achlys Mk I Power Maul weapon special attack explosion could appear as delayed.

Deimos Mk IV Blaze Force Sword

  • Fixed an issue where Heavy Attacks were not displayed as Strikedown in the Inspect menu.

Catachan Mk III & Mk VI Combat Blades

  • Fixed an issue where the combat knife had a chain time that allowed you to cancel weapon special attack into light attack before the damage window was triggered. Aligned Mk III and Mk VI chain times:
    • Mk VI Block From 0.32s to 0.3s and Heavy from 0.7s to 0.6s
    • Mk III Light from 0.2s to 0.32s.

Weapons - Ranged


  • Fixed an issue where shoot actions were immediately aborted after shooting the last shot on single fire weapons.
  • Fixed an issue causing Flamers and projectiles from Force Staves to trigger hit markers when attacking exploded explosive barrels.
  • Fixed an issue where the “no ammo” sounds wouldn’t play if all ammo in both the weapon clip and reserve was depleted and trying to shoot.
  • Fixed an issue where the detailed damage numbers for the secondary action attacks were not displayed for some ranged weapons in the weapon Inspect menu.

M35 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun

  • Mitigated the issue of invisible and inaudible Plasma Gun shots.

Dev note: We fixed an issue that made the chance of triggering invisible/inaudible shots very likely for the plasma gun. The issue may still be reproduced when playing with a bad or unstable connection to the server but should be much less likely to happen now.

Shotguns and Ripperguns

  • Fixed an issue where no ammo would be consumed when shooting a Combat Shotgun or Rippergun if swapping to another weapon the same frame damage was applied.
  • Fixed an issue where Combat Shotguns and Ripperguns would play FX but not shoot when starting to sprint the frame after starting a shot.
  • Added detailed damage numbers for Combat Shotguns weapon special shell attacks in the weapon Inspect menu.


  • Increased default damage modifier vs Carapace armour 0.01 to 0.05 to align and make it consistent between Rippergun Marks and hip/braced shooting.

Kantrael Mk X Heavy Laspistol

  • Fixed a bug where Kantrael Mk X Heavy Laspistol could be fired slightly faster in ADS than from hip due to total time being incorrect in the ADS shoot action. Total Time is now the same on both hip and ADS shots.

Rifthaven Mk II Purgatus Force Staff

  • Fixed an issue where the weapon special attacks could be cancelled before they could do any damage if spamming the special attack.

Weapon Blessings

  • Fixed an issue where the effects of “Scattershot” could trigger upon hitting a single enemy.

Dev note: This could happen when a shot was blocked by a Bulwark shield if other enemies were standing right behind it.

  • Fixed an issue where “Blaze Away” would incorrectly reset on Lorenz Mk V Kickback and Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler when going into ADS or when shooting multiple shots with the “Lucky Bullet” talent.
  • Fixed an issue where “Brutal Momentum” was kept active while wielding a range weapon.

Dev note: The effect of the blessing would be applied to the melee attacks available on ranged weapons, like bashes or bayonet stabs.


  • Fixed an issue where the Celerity Stimm increased the charge time of attacks and abilities instead of reducing it.
  • Fixed an issue where players could enter an incorrect state when being stunned while using the auspex scanner in a scanning event.
  • Fixed an issue that made it possible to throw luggables and grenades through walls and floors if standing close to them.
  • Added a unique sound event for when players absorb fire/burn damage with toughness.
  • Fixed a case where the backstab sound could trigger for enemies that were in front of the player.


  • Removed push force applied from shots by Scab/Dreg Shooters and Scab/Dreg Gunners.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bulwark shield would not properly be disabled when light or medium staggering forward.

Dev note: This change will mean that the Bulwark will be easier to damage when it is staggering forward.

  • Fixed an issue where the shield explosion from Scab Captains didn’t abort “sticky” weapon special attacks from Chain and Force Weapons.
  • Fixed cases where the Scab Trapper could shoot through fences / grates or other transparent barriers.
  • Fixed an issue where kills from a Poxbursters explosion did not contribute to the player killing the Poxburster.
  • Changed the number of players the Daemonhost kills before leaving to 1 across all difficulties.

Dev Note: This change is to address the frustration of teammates waking up Daemonhosts, also causing innocent players to die from it.

  • Changed so Scab Trapper aborts their shoot net sound and plays a stop sound if interrupted while shooting, to better interface that you successfully triggered its shooting cooldown.


  • Consignment Yard HL-17-36
    • Fixed locations where enemies could clip through the end event turrets.
    • Extended a hang ledge at the end event that previously could cause players to fall down.
  • Warren 6-19
    • Fixed an issue where enemies would take position on the upper floor of the end event and get an unfair advantage during the scanning segment.
    • Fixed an issue where the final interact point in the mid event would remain on screen after interacting.
    • Fixed an issue where enemies could not use the doors in the mid event.
    • Fixed an issue where the respawn was located above the ground.
    • Fixed a bug where the final tank objective could become indestructible.
  • Refinery Delta-7
    • Added a hang ledge in a spot where it was previously missing.
    • Fixed location where snipers could shoot through the floor.
  • Moved respawn beacon in Hab Dreyko to prevent players from teleporting too far before the mid event.
  • Visual enhancements to some areas in Ragtown Bazaar.
  • Added blockers to prevent players from going out of bounds in Smelter Complex HL-17-36.
  • The end event in Relay Station TRS-150 was reworked: changed music during the event and added music during the satellite part while also tweaking the event sounds.
  • Fixed visible wall gaps in Power Matrix HL-17-36.
  • Fixed visible wall gaps in Enclavum Baross.
  • Fixed visible wall gaps in Chasm Logistratum.



  • Fixed so that the frame glow of the combat ability HUD icon is active if you have at least one charge and are recharging multiple charges.
  • Fixed so that if a player is looking at an item and has the interaction HUD open for interacting with it, pressing the tag button will now tag that item.
  • Fixed an issue where the interaction UI could briefly be seen moving over the screen when picking up pickups.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate “Tag” prompts could be shown when standing close to a pickup that couldn’t be picked up.
  • Fixed an issue where players joining an ongoing mission would get an unintended player colour.


  • Mourningstar interaction points should now be easier to detect.
  • Fix for issue with previews not updating when selecting colours in the character appearance options.
  • Commodore’s Vesture purchases now get a new item marker in the inventory when acquired.
  • Fixed an issue where the prerequisites for completing “Vantage Point”, “Praise the God-Emperor!”, “Touch the Void”, and “Beat-'em-Up” were sorted differently in each Penance.
  • Small UI tweaks and fixes to better fit multiple languages.

VO and Audio

  • Music for ambush hordes have been re-added after receiving community feedback.
  • Improved the audio mix of the game to mitigate the issue of missing or barely audible enemy sound cues.

Dev note: We did a balance pass on the audio mix of the game, giving more priority to sound cues from dangerous enemies to make sure they are played at an appropriate volume when close to players (e.g. Poxbursters).

  • Fixed an issue where enemies playing a dialogue could fail to trigger sound effects for their other actions.

Dev Note: This issue would cause enemies to be silent when playing important interfacing sounds (like Scab Trapper footsteps, Scab Bomber pin pulling, etc.) which contributed to the feeling that specialist enemies sometimes were silent.

  • Added alerted voice for the Dreg Rager being alerted.
  • Fixed health station tutorial VO in the Psykhanium Tutorials.
  • Made the Scab Shotgunner and the Scab Trapper a little more vocal.
  • Ensured the latest chain weapons can trigger the Agitator chain weapon kill spree lines.
  • Added Scrier’s Gaze VO for female Savant.
  • Added some new announcements in the Mourningstar.
  • Sefoni will now gossip to rejects in the Meat Grinder.
  • Added minor visual/audio changes to Mutants spawned by “Waves of Mutants” mutator.


  • Changed the chest bag to be less flat on the Veteran “Krieg Greatcoat MkI” upper body cosmetic.
  • The Psyker “Honourum Mk XII Rebreather with Psykana Collar” headgear should now properly display longer hairstyles.
  • Fixed clipping issues with the following Ogryn lower body cosmetics:
    • “Recon Fatigues (Frostrime, XXXXL)”
    • “Fatigues (Brute-Sized, Bleaklands Camo)”
    • “Padded Brute Fatigues (Model IV, XXXXL)”
    • “Convict Garb (Misplaced Faith, XXXXL)”
    • “Reinforced Fatigues (Sun Scorch Camo)”
    • “Bulwark Trousers (Brute-Sized) and Armoured Boots (Montar Camo)”.
  • Fixed an issue where the Zealot Miser’s Cage head cosmetic would incorrectly remove hairstyles.
  • Fixed an issue where the Zealot Miser’s Cage head cosmetic would incorrectly remove hairstyles.
  • Updated the description of the Psyker “Deimos MK VID Rebreather” head cosmetic to have correct references.

Other Fixes and Tweaks

  • Fixed a crash which could happen if a player joined a mission in the exact moment the mission was transitioning from the lobby phase to the Valkyrie loading phase.
  • Fixed a crash which could happen when accessing the Shrine of the Omnissiah in the Mourningstar.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during level up if the gamepad disconnected during the process.
  • Fixed an issue where some Penances could be completed at a difficulty lower than intended and stated (e.g. Penance missions played on Malice being completed on Heresy).

Additional Patch Notes (Added After Original Posting - 22 February)

  • The front post of Stub Revolver’s weapon appearance "Cadian 61st Officer Spec ‘’ should now be properly visible when aiming down sights.
  • The area before the objective was updated to improve the combat experience by increasing playable space.
  • Optimizations to reduce loading times in certain scenarios.
  • The amphitheatre in Habzone HL-70-04, “The Carnival” has been modified to allow more fluid pathing for enemies.

still no fix for the psyker krieg chestpiece glove being glitched out in first person

we finally got a good-size update!

seems like it’s not out yet in Steam… - its out now (posted ~18:00 - updated 19:15 +5 UTC/GMT)
and I didnt get a message about new thread in forum themes
and we still don’t know what’s going to happen to game in future…
2 months of waiting for something new besides of small patches and strawhat/catfish responses, Im happy but was expecting something bigger to be honest, taking a fact that I dropped game for a while because of irl reasons
yet thank you for continuing to support the game one way or another.


It’s nice to see more dev comments on the changes :slight_smile:

Also I’m super eager to see if the sound issues have indeed been alleviated, thanks for looking into it, even if it took a good while.


Thank you!
Whish you would talk a bit more to us (community). I truely love this game.


Finally some bugfixes ! Not the new content we’ve expected but a patch we will give a warm welcome especially if it give the ambush OST back and fixed the “silent” specialists.

“Added Scrier’s Gaze VO for female Savant”

Many thanks ! I’m glad to see that our bug reports are really acknowledged and not falling into deaf ears, even for small details like this one and for that I love you Fatshark.


This is dumb they are no threat anymore. Now i dont give a poo if a teammate runs into one coz theres no penalty for anyone but them. No more "oh sh**t the demon host woke up"moments, so sad

Supposed to be a team game but this is gonna incentivise ppl to abandoned teammates to die to the DH. Like im never helping a mf now, you messed up u can suffer im not getting curse for you. Also u can troll ppl and tell them lets kill it and then just watch them die. (Yes i will be doing this)


A bit mitigated too but since the daemonhost is more an obstacle rather than a real boss i’m not that much shocked. After all the Witch in L4D focus only one person too.


You forgot something Fatshark: Fix the issue with our Mobile Gatcha RNG crafting system where you almost only get rubbish weapons, perks and blessings?


Yessssss! Thank you, finally! :heart:

Can’t wait to see how these work out in practice. Particularly:

  • Soundless specialist fixes
  • BB & Smoke buffs!
  • If zelly’s knife throw blitz finally re-equips even ranged?
  • Push fix potentially fixing some of the unresponsive block/push issues or using regular attack when clearly holding RMB for push-attack
  • TRAPPERS (literally everything about them, sounds, shooting through walls, shooting when obviously staggered & interrupted, etc)

Edit: BB is insane now! It’s basically instant with both Vent & EP! Can’t wait to try out some new BB builds! Also zelly really does finally keep ranged equipped when throwing knives! Oh god I hope the soundless specials have been fixed too I was literally this close to moving on… :sob:


Fatshark out here with the random sneaky update.

Good job on fixing the sound. That was really important.


I do like the dev notes. Helps it feel more understandable and gives us an idea of their goals.

A lot of this patch is just tweaks and bug fixes, though. I think they were necessary but I’d like to hear more about what’s next as well.


Fix poxbursters being silent, instantly exploding, and make them more vulnerable to stagger and I will be completely satisfied

Gonna be interesting to see if we can snatch a stack of Surgical before the Blaze Away buff runs out.

Audio fixes?! GOOD. Finally. Took you buggers long enough. I’m glad that this fix is out, but still irritated that it took this long to happen, and with little to no communication on your part.

Going forward for the rest of the year, I hope you fix the rest of the issues your community is voicing - silent poxbursters are just one of many issues that people voice, and in that case, it was a bug, not an intentional design flaw.


Just for clarity… Does this mean blitzes no longer receive bonuses from weapon blessings AT ALL? Or they do just in this specific way during the flight of the projectile?


Crafting not ass when?


I feel personally attacked by at least half of these.


That’s… something i guess.


Welp, there goes the bayonet on my Mk3. Goodbye sweet prince.