bugfixxes are not enough
No, but they’re a start. Let’s see what happens next.
in hopes that’s a start for skyrocket speed of updates tbh
This is good news though! If someone has to use the bathroom during a run, this Daemonhost is a pause button for them to go do their duty and get back in time to continue with their team!
2 more months of silence.
Well, this is a good start to addressing the first bullet item on my hypothetical wishlist (I.e. fixing some critical bugs):
Two questions @FatsharkStrawHat @FatsharkCatfish :
Why do you allow the lack of communication to fester like an open wound on these forums and other channels? If you knew that a patch was coming out that was 95% focused on bug fixes, for the love of holy terra SAY THAT. The lack of communication is driving the community crazy and sending your player count into the toilet.
Please, please, please be more proactive in communicating about what’s next. Bug fixes aside, no one has any clue what’s in store for the future of this game. There hasn’t been a peep about any more substantive updates (content wise), commencement of any sort of live service type features (seasons, events, more penances etc), and of course nothing about improvements to the bugbear that is crafting. I know I’m screaming into the wind here, but something needs to happen to give the community some confidence that Darktide still has a future.
L bozo
This fixes the top pain points I’ve seen in the last few months. Great patch, appreciate the response to feedback!
lol love it!
Seriously though, this is one thing I wish Darktide had: moments to take a breather. Like VT, Darktide is so brutally hardcore and requires 20-30 minutes of completely uninterrupted focus. The pace can be maddening, and there’s almost never an opportunity to take a beat for any reason at all.
Part of that is social, no doubt…people just don’t want to stop. But, like the mission barks urging players to speed up or the ammo goblin callouts, the game itself could be made to encourage groups to allow for bathroom breaks.
Personally, I’d like to see airlock doors become ready up areas where all 4 players need to slap the button to continue. Maybe there would need to be a timeout/max timer, but I think it’d be beneficial for the community overall to have these brief moments of downtime.
Looks at patch notes. Shrugs
Call me when RNG is removed and crafting is fixed. Meanwhile Super Earth needs me.
He has a point. Players are a lot more likely to start engaging with a Daemonhost to try and kill it when their lives are potentially on the line as well.
Waking up the Daemonhost should be a severe punishment for the team. Lowering the kill count to 1 will cause a lot of folks to just rough it with 3 players for a bit instead of trying to spend resources killing it, because being down a player is less worse than being down half your health and supplies - which is less bad than being down two players.
Teams already have to choose to just let a player die sometimes, either because they were out of position or played like a moron and it’s too much effort to save them versus picking them up later. Now we get to add “waking up a daemonhost” to “reasons to let some nerd die”.
Then, I will fight in Emperor’s name for both of us.
Someone have keep going or else Tertium is lost…
Call me when there’s new content, especially NEW weapons.
I think there already is a timer on the door opening once the airlock closes. Granted, the only time I noticed it was months ago, but I have a vague recollection of the door opening after a minute or two of idle time.
Also, ayy, I see the scattershot bug I reported got fixed Positive changes overall though, hopefully we’ll see more bug fix patches now frequently in future.
Recon lasgun going through an emotional roller-coaster
Does this include the voice chat indicator? One thing that’s bothered me with the spectator HUD is not knowing if I can still be heard, if I want to let someone know about a medkit on my body for example (and getting confirmation from teammates is surprisingly difficult).
If so, great change. If not, okay change
Will not save it. PW needs a complete rework. Untill then it will be mediocre cause of crappy mobility, annoying cause it’s all about special attack, or will be overpowered if you will buff mobility cause it has easy attack patterns + special provides huge ass buff.
I agree. Despite the horrific crafting that would make creating new builds an absurd chore, I was actually almost hoping for big blessing/talent changes to spice up gameplay / make me want to try other weapon and talent combinations.
But of course, actually NEW weapons would be even better than a big blessing and balance change.
Edit: Also, removing the double-bleed feature from Ogryn was just downright cruel.
It would be nice to have the new weapons that are in the game’s code already (as evidenced by the weapon customization mod) like the 2H power and force swords, the meltagun, and double barrel shotgun.
Some really great stuff in here, especially the sound cue fix. Thanks FS! Can’t wait to try out buffed smokes and brain burst.
Any chance we could get a shredder auto pistol and bolter buff soon?
Lots of good stuff here, even if it won’t get me back to playing the game. I’m a bit confused on how the power sword activation change works, if you still have to look at your sword power up or not.
I do have a very silly and inane complaint.
The “feeling” enemies were “sometimes” silent? Excuse me? Right after you just said:
Like I said, a stupid complaint but it irritated me when I read it lol.