Hotfix #33 (1.2.32)

Devoted Rejects,

Here are the patch notes for Hotfix #33, which is live on Steam and will shortly be live on our other platforms.

  • Fixed an issue where the amount of enemies spawning during missions was lower than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the Karnak Twins secret hard mode could fail to be triggered after resolving the puzzle.
  • Fixed a crash which could happen after extracting a weapon Blessing in the Shrine of the Omnissiah under specific circumstances while using a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where the pushback from enemy Shooters and Gunners was still applied when being hit while aiming down sights with specific weapons.

Dev note: Affected weapons were Lasguns, Laspistols, Boltgun, Plasma Gun, Kickback, Rumbler, Grenadier Gauntlet.

  • Fixed an issue where enemy Scab Snipers could still shoot through Veteran Smoke Grenades if they were fully inside the smoke cloud area.
  • Fixed an issue where the Lucky Bullet effect from the Ogryn “Burst Limiter Override” keystone talent could still trigger when ammo was completely depleted.
  • Fixed an issue where the Veteran “On Your Toes” talent replenished less Toughness than intended (10% instead of 20%).
  • Fixed a crash which could happen when the game tried to remove a buff effect which didn’t exist anymore.
  • Fixed an issue where the background for subtitles could fail to match the text when secondary subtitles were displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the buffs from the Zealot “Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude” and Veteran “Duty and Honour” talents would prevent non-melee health damage while active even when the player was at zero Toughness.
  • Fixed a crash which could happen if a Veteran Smoke Grenade affected an enemy Scab or Dreg Flamer just as they were about to shoot.
  • Fixed an issue where the transparency effect for the M3 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun coils was missing.
  • Fixed clipping and deformation issues for the Ogryn “XXXL Chem-safe Rebreather” head cosmetic.
  • Fixed an issue where the collar for Psyker upper body cosmetics could appear as deformed for female characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ogryn “Grimmer’s Hood (Red Stinger Camo)” head cosmetic would clip with some necks.
  • Fixed an issue where parts of the straps on the Ogryn “MKII Nog-Shield” head cosmetic would not display properly.

Congratulations, I’ll let someone else test if it actually fixed the knock back.

Now that you’ve finished fixing the bugs you introduced three months ago, how about telling us what you’re currently working on and what we have to look forward to?


we really need something new



To be honest, it was lot faster than i thought. (When talking about fatshark standards that is)


The only logical reason for being this quiet is because whatever news they might share isn’t good news.

Seriously, even a comm-link that says “we hear a lot of people are concerned about the future of the game, we ARE working on improvements/content beyond the recent batch of hotfixes that we’re excited about, but we can’t share anything yet. We appreciate your patience and stay tuned.”

Literally if they did that every other week so we knew that the studio was alive, it would be something.


and now they will roll out new clothes for donation

How long does it take for Dear Fat Shark to fix, the HL-70-04 map wall penetration bug and the ability to loot plasteel and diamantine without enemy spawning until the final mission,has been going on for at least 3 months

Actually, Catfish did respond to this the other thread. But it’s not an announcement, just a reply.
Was to the effect of “We’re cooking something up, we have new content in the pipeline, more news soon”.

Hol’ up:



I was wondering if there is any chance of any communication regarding new content? Even if its as simple as “Come back in two months and therell be something!”



Any gamepad fix news?

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That tells us nothing.

Literally nothing.

Almost two weeks ago and they’re still not ready to even begin to tell us what they’re planning on doing?


Yes, those messages were from 29 days ago actually. So basically another month and nothing. For all we know she was referring to Patch #17 - aka the big “hotfix” patch and nothing more.


It tells us something, even if it isn’t what you wanted. It’s also in line with previous content drops as far as I know.

Yes. That’s what they told us.

They do announcements often on short notice. For instance the talent update had it’s announcement a few weeks before release.

To be fair, it wasn’t the reply I was digging for. I thought Catfish replied in one thread just a few days ago to the effect of “We haven’t abandoned anything, we are working on the update right now”. But I didn’t find it. Maybe deleted thread? It was this thread where OP asked if the game is totally abandoned.

No, it tells me nothing.

I asked for any clue as to what’s coming, and the closest we’ve got is Catfish vaguely saying they’re not quite ready to talk about anything.

That tells me literally nothing and gives me no reason to hope. 1/10 communication from FS as usual.


That’s still something though. If Catfish told you to eat poop, that would still be something. And as I said before, even if it wasn’t what you wanted it to be.

I don’t think they will tease anything at current. But we do know they have meaningful content in the pipeline. Question is when it arrives.

In the meantime it’s best to probably just not occupy your mind too much with the eventualities. It will only drive yourself insane.

Guys, I think we’ve got a Blightstormer over here…


Thanks for fixing the spawns, I literally do not care about anything else.

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Nope they are still not there yet :wink: