Player control over mission difficulty and conditions?
General fps performance (your game runs like sh…on average PCs) improvements?
New career(s)?
New map “biomes”?
You are going down the way EA DICE did, Fatshark. I no longer buy DICE games, it just might be you are next. Gameplay over graphics.
Why would I spend money OR time in a live service game which runs so badly and does NOT respect my time? It is not like if I actually upgrade my PC spec, there is sufficient amount of content to justify this?
The only reason why I haven’t uninstalled yet is that atm I don’t need extra 50 GB free space.
I suppose I will take another 4 weeks break. Someone wake me up when we actually see actual new content and/or fixes the community wants.
Surprise patch! I didn’t expect this today so that’s a nice surprise.
The blessing changes don’t seem to be that interesting on paper, will have to do some testing but I avoided these exact blessings as they we’re not effective nor interesting before, not sure this will change. The only thing I used Blaze Away on was the rumbler so hopefully that interaction is not screwed by the ammo count.
MS players should be happy, I mean adding the 5 players there to the steam community will be appreciated by those 5 players.
Going to have to try out this new mode, it sounds like it’s trying to be like Vanguard deed modifier but not quite, idk we’ll see!
I never played ogrin so I wouldn’t know the difference to now but even without this knowledge, needing to get to the 2nd half of your mag to get the 5th stack seems excessive at best.
Usually you don’t need the damage that late into your mags, you need it before hitting the bottom half.
If blaze away functioned as a passive power buff relative to your remaining ammo in your mags, that would be far more acceptable than needing to hold down the trigger and then having the bonus reset if you let go for even just 10msec.
50% mag usage for a 50% damage buff is a lot better if you keep charmed reload in mind, my gorgonum can often spew out 200+ rounds no issue
remember it’s also a scaling buff so its still a 20-30% dmg buff when killing a bunch of shooters in a short (uncontrolled) burst, and im fairly certain even the bolter had to spend more than half its mag to get full crit, so its a general buff for most things
Please let the team know the Thrust blessing is still bugged on the Thunder Hammer! Using Chastise the Wicked while you charging a TH heavy swing resets your stacks. It’s a very annoying bug to play around, and it been present in the game for a few months now. ;-;
This is a weird patch.
I really don’t get or understand a lot of these changes.
Continuous Fire Blessings seems to have all been nerfed beyond usefulless and just another RNG filler blessing now. I don’t get why?
Blaze Away was fine as it was, this change makes no sense. You wanted to help low magazine weapons, but you did it by nerfing the weapons that actually needed and used the blessing?
For weapons with big magazines this lowers their effectiveness by a lot, and even with a lower magazine you’d only get to max stacks for a few bullets… making the blessing a wasted slot.
This is the same thing you did with Crucian Roulette and made that blessing utterly useless. You didn’t learn?
Cavalcade was already rather lackluster and useless imo… now it’s even worse? why?.. Like Crucian Roulette nerf, the actual crit increase needs to be A LOT higher to make it worth it. Crit Damage is already incredibly lackluster and pointless, there simply isn’t a reason why you’d keep the crit increase so minuscule.
Ceaseless Barrage seems like the only one that could actually have a use, I’ll have to try that one out…
That doesn’t seem very useful… might be alright on a veteran. This seems like it was changed because of a person being left out alone would get not benefit from earlier blessing?
Here’s a tip. Remove the toxic demand of being close to teammates to get toughness regen. No one likes it and everyone runs away from teammates and half solos everything. stop trying to force a single playstyle.
I really don’t get this change either. Braced mode is the worse way to use a braced weapon and increasing the movement speed isn’t going to make it more useful. I suppose this is a nerf to the solo hero veteran playstyle? well at least that’s better than nerfing the weapon.
I feel like you should’ve simply made all of these damage blessings scale with depleted magazines instead of spent magazines. This would make all of them max stack so long as they are below 50% magazine. This would allow player agency and tactic of actually using bigger dmg for late magazine and possibly going horde clear for early magazine and than going for elites at end of magazine. Now all of them are just RNG filler.
Now Weapons changes.
This is different in the Steam Patch notes. I’m guessing these are the actual scaled values and steam uses the 100% scale values? nice trickery as usual.
I’ll have to give this a try, but just from doing math real quick this should lower the ttk by 1, which should have a real change on damnation and ammo management. Would’ve liked it a bit higher, but we’ll see how the different Marks fair with this change. Seems good at least.
didn’t wanna quote the whole thing. All I can say is, finally!!!.. I’ll have to look at the actual damage type numbers, but most Ogryn weapons use damage teases to always be just below important breakpoints… this seems to follow suit… too bad. but at least it will be better than before.
Not sure what to say here…
On the one hand, Thanks for more damage!
On the other, damage was never the issue with the stub revolver. At least for me. The issue here was reload speed, ammo and penetration.
The Stub functions like a baby Bolter, but the bolter more than makes up for the slow reload but Stub doesn’t and increasing damage, which will mostly lead to more Overkill damage, won’t help.
Just like the Shotguns, the stub revolver should’ve gained a way to fully reload it faster. With Stub it’s easy. Allow single reloads when you have ammo in the drum, but once it’s empty? reload the entire drum, not one bullet at a time. I believe this is called a speed loader and it reloads the entire thing in one go. This would’ve helped the Stub revolver a lot more.
Odds are this will be implemented as a required blessing, like most useful weapons.
and as usual… remove locks, remove lies and trickery and make a healthy game please.
On the grenade gauntlet, it still does not trigger at all from the first shot (which is 25% of the mag) and then gets 1 stack per shot after that (3 stacks after emptying the entire 4 shot mag).
Reloading removes the buff, so it is not possible to get 5 stacks (or even 4) by shooting.
When using the weapon for melee attacks, every attack including the first one grants 1 stack, but the moment you rightclick to switch into “grenade launcher” mode, the buff goes away.
Is this intended?
It behaves just as before the update, but since the blessing was improved for other weapons, it would be nice to see some love for this blessing on the GG as well.
Giving the GG 2-3 stacks per shot (25% of the mag) would probably be a bit too much, but it would be nice if the first shot already applied 1 stack.
It would also be cool if the stacks could be carried over from the melee mode into the ranged mode, since that would actually make the melee mode of the weapon useful.
Also regarding the “every 10% of magazine spent” in general:
This means that a weapon with higher “Ammo” stat will effectively lose dps (during shorter engagements) in comparison to a weapon with lower ammo stat.
Imo it would be best, if the number of shots required per stack was a fixed number for each weapon (10% of min mag size).
For example: Let’s say the mag size of weapon type X can vary between 50 and 60, based on the ammo stat.
It sounds like the weapon X will require 5 or 6 shots to gain 1 stack, depending on how high the Ammo modifier is. A weapon with better modifiers will make the blessing stack slower.
The blessing should instead always gain 1 stack for each 5 shots fired (10% of min mag size) with a weapon of the type X, independent of the actual mag size after the Ammo modifier is applied.
Overall I love the map, especially with the light out modifier. Just my thoughts, but include more specials or have a boss creature appear with the hordes.
Possibly a faster enemy spawn at the end to cause you to have to run for the lift rather than a casual stroll.
Just echoing the other commenters that finales in general (not just on smelter) are way too easy and moments where you’re just running out the clock while zero enemies spawn happen very frequently even at higher difficulty levels. It often makes what should be an exciting extraction or desperate “hold your ground” moment feel very underwhelming.
Nothing to reinstall the game for.
But I guess crossplay is good for the hand full of people still playing and a big step in the right direction.
Still just changes that should have been there from the start.
Make brunt’s armory give 350 - 380 grey weapons at level 30
In regards to this patch:
Looks like some good features, and elite resistance sounds like an interesting change of pace
I’m pretty sure that the blaze away and cavalcade changes are a hard nerf to everything that doesn’t have a tiny magazine. Having to spend 50% of your magazine on something like a heavy stubber just isn’t feasible all the time. Half the mission I’m only using it on bursts of about 5-15 bullets, so this change makes the blessing useless. It should be changed to trigger on smaller percentages of the magazine, maybe 5% per stack, or it needs to be changed to be a flat number of bullets fired in a burst, custom coded for each weapon depending on how large the magazine is. It just doesn’t work to do this change across the board, because all it does it remove its relevance from weapons with large magazine sizes (which were previously the ones it was good on), and makes it relevant on small magazine size weapons.
Good changes on ceaseless barrage! Maybe make blaze away and cavalcade more like this and they might be all around good.
Inspiring barrage sounds actually usable, instead of complete trash, but the number still seem too low. Perhaps something like: triggers every 5% of magazine spent during continuous fire,
5% toughness regained, stacking 4 times. Triggering every 15% of a magazine fired is just way too slow, as you’d need to fire 75% of a magazine to even reach max stacks with the new changes
Roaring advance sounds interesting, but I’m not sure how useful it actually is.
A sorely needed recon lasgun change, hopefully it’s enough, as they were pretty trash with the amount of ammo they required to do anything.
Good changes for slab shield, hopefully it’s not completely trash now.
Good buffs to stub revolver, but I still think that the issue was the reload mechanics for the gun, not how much damage it did. The sheer amount of time that you spend reloading that gun during the whole mission just makes me hate using it because it takes so long to reload after every shot.
Overall, good patch I think, but some questionable changes on blessing. I really think that whatever team is working on blessings needs to get all together and do a hard balance pass over all of them because there’s some MASSIVE outliers and huge underperformers, so the whole blessing system is a mess because of how some weapons are amazing because of singular blessings they have access to, while others have no blessings of value.
I’m disappointed that they still haven’t addressed grossly overtuned blessings like pinning fire/slaughterer that would still be OP even if nerfed by 50%
I just played it on Relay Station (Heresy) because this is the highest one that was available.
Gameplay wise, it feels like the modifier does nothing aside from buffing the existing enemies a bit.
I was hoping for something similar to the modifier that exists in Vermintide 2, where the number of roaming enemies is slightly reduced, but ALL (or most) roaming enemies are replaced with standard elites.