Hey fatshark,
I made a post ages ago about how half the outcast engi cosmetics quests were bugged, which you marked as acknowledged. Its been months now and the quests are still bugged. I get that a lot of your attention is currently on Darktide but this is a joke. I payed money for this DLC and have only been able to get half of what I’ve payed for…
fix this or give me my money back ffs
i would also like to see the engi challenges fixed.
field trials and i love the smell of black powder will not unlock for me no matter how many times i’ve actually successfully completed them.
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Ha. Only 3 months? I’ve been unable to open chests for close to 4 years now! Inventory Full - Illusions taking up inventory space
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tried it today with a friend, same problem
he cant get field trials we tried different talents
no chance to get it
kinda sucks