**Ordo Dockets** and **Plasteel**

I agree with you…

generally speaking I had said this
I think that there should be an increase of material like that

  • Uprising from 195 to 300
  • Malice from 300 to 600
  • Heresy from 600 to 900
  • Damnation from 900 to 1200
    But, I also think that there should be an increase of what we collect by the condition:
  • low intensity - 20% of what was collected
  • high intensity + 20% of what was collected
  • others additional / different condition +10% of what was collected

For ordos:
I think ordos are fine but only if something like that was put in game:

  • a minimum for global modifiers of a weapon of 340 for all shops when you’re level 30 (normal shop, Brunt’s armoury, Melk’ shop)
  • there should have a system that grant you a 360+ weapon after 10 purchases and a 370+ guaranteed after 20