Ogryn rework ideas

for one a perk that grants strong damage reduction while bracing with maybe a bonus against projectile attacks
for a second perk it should grant blocking efficiency and maybe staggers enemies on broken guard
for third i would love if taunt granted a strong toughness regen based on the hit mass or quantity of enemies
for fourth i would love if the toughness recovery aura granted improved toughness recovery delay instead
for fifth would like if ranged suppression was ranged damage or maybe just if ogryns weapons had better suppression.

The biggest issue i have the the Ogryn is purely the lack of weapons and the limited builds available. Taunt feels mediocre compared to how useful the charge is in plowing a path through the enemy and the shooty buff is the only thing that makes any sense for a shooty version.

I would prefer is Taunt lowered the enemies damage rather than granted toughness regen.

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i think rather than just affecting enemies on activation it were any enemy in radius for the duration lowering enemy damage is great too or something to effect ranged enemies like if it forced enemies to melee in a large radius

It does. If you run the shield for example there is a perk that auto taunts enemies that you block. if you block a ranged guy who has a melee option, he will rush you regardless of range.

what’ve been saying for a long time now ppl realized. I saw another post about Ogryn rework lol That’s why it’s the only class I don’t play. :rofl:

It would be nice if they have an ult called something like “earthquake”. For 3-4 seconds causing an earthquake in certain radius, staggering enemies, and boost some stats. I know it would be a little bit similar to zealot ult but we can modify to make it fit ogryn.

its called bullrush. he literally runs through enemies, knocking them down and bleeding them if you take the upgrade.

I mean bullrush send u to another country away from the group of course u can stop but then won’t cc enemies as much and it’s direction is completely different from what I mentioned but thanks

It would be nice if Ogryn has an ult that can activate three 3 times that stun for 2 sec each time. If they don’t activate in time limit, it will go on cd. That would be dope.

that would be broken as f*ck. they already need to tone back the Zealots Holy Relic ability as it is broken beyond all reason(Then again the Zealot overall is the the most Overpowered class in the game). The Bullrush works perfect if you aim it correctly and it serves the purpose to clear a path for you and your allies through enemies. What you are asking for is basically just the same thing as the Zealots Holy Relic but with individual charges and no expiry effect, which is even more powerful by all intents and purposes than an already overpowered ability.

yeah let them be broken. ppl die in havoc 30+ left and right.
I see they use all the op stuff you guys been talking about and yeah everybody dies. my back hurts

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The taunt does need a benefit from taking all the Aggro it’s like your are taking more danger for no reason. I get it helps little ones but that’s all there’s to it. Where’s the benefit for you where’s the reward for taking all the aggro, something making it more beneficial to taunt more enemies. Toughness Regen maybe gold toughness as the “tank” class. Even the Psyker has toughness regen with bubble.


I think I’ve seen this name in game before LOL “ApeWithButterKnife”

Are you RTO Veteran? I think I have you added but I keep switching my name lol currently I’m ApeSpinnyHelicopta on Ogryn

yeah I saw you in auric mael all the time.
however, I just moved out of US before havoc update so I can only play Asia server right now. :sob:

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Hell yeah man we wrecked Auric Mael was so fun lol now it’s havoc 40

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Ogryn also needs an ammo buff. The game overall needs an ammo buff. It forces you in meta builds, it forces you to use only your ranged weapon 15% of the game at max god forbit you dont have a veteran. Game is unfun atm.

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