First of: I’d like to say that the other 3 class are mainly amazing and really fun to toy around with because of the hard compromise players have to make. (maybe less on zealot but still it’s great to play so who cares.)
Today I went on games lantern to make a reworked ogryn build, it didn’t felt great.
I found my self looking for what was less bad instead of what’s good in order to complete builds.
The main problem with ogryn is that he feels slugish. So i’ll give my opinion on talents and then more broad suggestion for our best boy.
The 5 passives under Soften Them Up & Payback Time are underwhelming and don’t bring anything substential: I’ll sugest to change strongman to increase movement speed or cleave. The other are simply not what ogryn players awaited for. Maybe only do 3 talent, 1 damage based, 1 speed based, 1 cleave based.
One of the best design changed you’ve made by removing the near obligation to use heavy attacks is great. So great that some talent might be dificult to justifie getting at. I’d move some talent around for more meaninfull (and build tree coherent) choices:
Disclamer :“This part is based on gameslantern version of the build tree. I’m not sure it’s accurate”.
_Implacable & No Stopping Me! both move up one position respectively
_Too Stuborn to Die goes too Hard Knocks position
_Hard Knocks takes No Stopping Me!'s old placement
_Frenzied Blows goes where Bash and Blast is because it’s really strong.(now harder to get for middle and right tree but I have sugestion for for those bellow)
I feel this is better because player that won’t value heavy attacks as much now will wan’t to have Hard Knocks and, No Stopping Me! Although a great addition wouldn’t have been used because of it’s placement.
Now, why i think the middle tree need dramatic changes:
Loyal Protector Is miles away from zealot book wich is: more effective at staggering(range and duration), also provide team buffs, gives gold toughness and the righteous vindication provided by the holy ligt of the Emperor of mankind.
Loyal Protector buffs/modifiers should work with Attention Seeker(not clear rn if it’s the case but i’m guessing no).
Loyal protector should have at least 20 meters range because of, gunners, it’s the max range of zealot book and it feels like even Bardin iron breaker class as more range than big lung ogryn. It will be impactfull and look cool at every difficulty and skill level.
Middle tree could use gimmicks like the more staggers he does the more Impact/cleave he gets or something like that. This way this is still a sluggish ogryn but at least he as real impact (No pun intented). Or maybe taunted enemies are more easily pushed and cleaved through.
Maybe an ability on the theme of fighting fear where the more enemies taunted the more strength/power you get. Or give 1% mellee damage for each blocked attack the last 12 sec (maybe this is what No Hurting Friends should be).
Stay Close could be replaced with a talent thats makes impact be more usefull to ogryn than for other class just like Loner(zealot) affect only the player. Maybe Impact is Converted to Strenght or something that is atleast understandable by all players.
All of this will be more engaging for players and make them understand that they’re are better things to do than standing behind they’re shield but that it is also a viable solution based on the situation.
And finally for the Point-Blank Barrage build:
The change are good, more crits, more lucky bullets. Maybe 16 stack reduction in Light Em Up is too much because it was the most fun thing about this build lets hope crit damage make up for it.
Outliers talents:
Bash And Blast, Spray And Slay & Dedicated Practice are should all be on the right side tree mix with others or themselves. The comparison with Weapon Specialist(veteran) is obvious pls make it feel good instead of out of pocket.
Unstopable Momentum as an ability that is attainable by mixed build should have a longer timer(6 sec?), because of wield time and reloading time especially considering ogryn’s weapons. It won’t change the ranged build but will be inticing for others.
Furious: It’s not worth 2 point for a very optimistic maybe 12.5% damage once every two attack. Seems like fatshark have a lot of Disdain(zealot) for ogryn player? (pun intended)
Crunch!: Debuff for no obvious reason to me while costing one more point to get it now. I feel like it was fine before as a skill based high risk high reward talent. I have to ask how can Duelist(zealot) exist and then Crunch! get’s nerfed. I don’t wan’t to be vulgar so i’ll at least say that this really saddens me.
Bonus Ideas:
Make Big Friendly Rock modifiers explode the stony friend to do AOE impact zone that project close (lighter) enemies to the ground.
Go Fatshark, peace and love to you all.