Ogryn feel weightless (the barrel is gonna go boom!)

If you place an enemy Ogryn (with shield) next to a barrel and explode it, he doesn’t go flying halfway across the map. He either gets knocked down, or if the shield is in front pushed back a bit, if any. This feels correct. The enemy has weight to them.

The player Ogryn feels weightless in this scenario. An Ogryn should not leave his feet if a barrel is blown up next to him. He should be pushed back, or dare I say stunned, but not thrown into the air. This feels silly, funny at times.

Playing as Ogryn is fun but if a barrel is nearby you tend to smack it unknowingly, or better yet, your teammates try and help you by blowing it up early, or late, sending you flying.

I used to charge into hordes and smack a barrel so I could get sent flying out as a way to avoid damage.

I don’t use the shield on Ogryn but I would be curious to know if blocking a barrel with the shield prevents pushback, or if you still go flying?


For QoL reasons I would suggest changing playing mass for all characters. I like that stuff (enemies, dead or alive) goes flying, but it’s so easy to be sent flying off the map. On top of that, the explosions quite often push you in the wrong direction.

That and when pox walkers explode inside a horde, the horde is unaffected.

Ogryns should definitely take less knockback. My favorite part is when the barrel knockback is so fecked up that it actually sucks you IN the barrel rather than blowing you away.