Please bring back Salty’s signature line. It would work so well for him in vermintide 2 especially when playing the zealot. Hopefully it would not take much coding to implement and it would really mean alot.
Cannot agree enough, This is a must!
I agree but also ask to return “By the hammer and the bell! YOU SHALL NOT FAIL ME!”
If they don’t add it back in officially, then someone is guaranteed to mod it in somehow when mod tools release.
I have it as my follow alert and never get tired of listening to it. !
Seconded !
I’d like also the return of “LET’S NOT GET CARRIED AWAAAYYYYY”, one of my favorite.
Bump. I want my old phrases back MY NIGHTMARES COMES… Good!
Since we re “requesting” old Saltzpyre lines, i kind of want the : “I don’t know what it is, but i’m not going to touch it”
Please do not let this thread die. For Holy Sigmar we cannot let heresy win!!!
(Obviously the removal of these voicelines were a part of a heretical plot concocted by papa nurgle. You see, Salty’s voicelines strike fear into the hearts of the heretics [small though they are]. Papa nurgle could not allow it to continue)
WE DID IT EVERYONE! PATCH 1.06 BROUGHT BACK “Sigmar, Bless this ravaged body!” !!! great work!
Thank you Fathshark! This is sooooo awesome!!!
How about “HAVE SOME DECORUM!!” while people bunny hop now?
What’s with the…uh…Bretonian dance? Keep your feet on the ground!