Oddities, can someone explain?

Me new and big noob. Get over it.

I’ve played a lot of games. Single player, multiplayer, online, offline, etc…

What is happening in Darktide? Every single action I take, has some sort of loading buffer. It’s difficult for me to explain, but this is the only game where every menu has a small (minuscule), yet noticeable, loading screen. I’ve been playing MMOs since 2006. From experience, I can tell you all that the only menu(s) that should have a loading screen, are any in-game items up for sale for real money. In this game, it is The Commodore’s Vestures. So… why does every other interactable NPC also have this odd loading buffer? Is it because each shop keeps getting updated constantly (per hour, per week, etc.)? It’s difficult for me to explain.

I’m not necessarily ranting. More so, I was wondering if anyone else has noticed what I’m witnessing as well. Is it because this is a “live-service” game model? Vermintide 2 didn’t have this issue. Is it DRM-related? Is it my hardware? 7700x + 6750xt on medium 1080p settings should be more than enough…

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Most of the logic and save information (character talents, cosmetics, inventory) is server-side, so regardless of your own computer’s performance, there will be that bit of delay as it loads things from the server.

Sometimes you get moved onto a server cluster for the hub that isn’t in your region or the routing is funky, and it gets worse, most noticeable when loading into the hub in the first place.


In short, yes.


Its this. Live service game models install event listeners into every single menu and action you take so they can run big data analysis on every action you take so they can turn knobs to get you to play more and buy more stuff.


Just recently experienced the worst rubberbanding of my life. Get grabbed by a Mutant, my team downs it instantly before he can throw me, and I try to reposition my Veteran for the incoming horde … only to get rubberbanded 5 seconds back in time in the middle of an entire horde with a bomber grenade on my foot.

Maybe me and my friends should simply play L4D2 with mods. So many clones created of the same game, yet Valve did it best. Tragic.

servers are horrible, its a well known fact that Shooter need good servers with good bitrates,
DT servers run on old nokia with prepaid card…

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