Nurgloth fight is still the worst design-wise

Did you block the light attacks without dodging?

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  • I’d like Nurgloth to take a bit more damage from normal stuff and a little less from shotguns, even the board a bit but keep Nurgloth tanky to everything overall, equally.
  • Nurgloth seems to keep shooting flies even when the wave has died which is boring and wastes time. As soon as the wave is dead I think Nurgloth should teleport down.
  • Not 100% on stagger but if any was added it would have to be a very, very brief animation.

I reckon keeping him staggerless is fine

I’d rather the final melee phase be changed so the damage ring’s location is randomised every time it activates; right now it’s always on the outside and it makes it both 1. kinda monotonous and 2. very obnoxious if you have to get revives/clutch which I’ve noticed is pretty likely to be needed in quickplay on both legend and cata

Big agree with everything else


For some reason the Nurgloth fight is broken and doesn’t progress properly when I face him in mod realm but it does let me practice the flying phase.
His attacks are not predictable or easy to dodge. Side dodging is impossible, he doesn’t lose tracking. Stationary swipes are tricky but dodgeable with practice and the running attack is fair. The lunge is impossible to avoid and can happen at any time; It is usually what gets you hurt or killed from being catapulted into danger with no block.
My main issue is with the inconsistency of the fight; the difficulty is largely random on whether the bonus waves pull out elites or not. Nurgloth and a pack of marauders is simple, but savages and maulers on top is not.

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If you have Creature Spawner enabled it causes Nurgloth to not progress into the next phases of the fight properly. Don’t have to deactivate it in the launcher, deactivating it just before the fight in the mod options menu is enough.


I don’t want Nurgloth changed anymore.

His phases are much more involved than all the other boss fights and that he wrecks QP comps is fine.

None of the other bosses force teams to be as mobile or as adaptable as Nurgloth. It’s kind of like Convocation’s final event, but without the flashbang or the frustrating terrain.


I think you are right that having random circle pops in the room would indeed be better than now, but what do you think about having several random smaller circles appear and blow up around the room instead? To keep people more on their toes than the big circles does.

I think that would be a good thing to have if he loses that silly strong giant knockback sweep.

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The 70’s disco floor, and the scythe swings, and the running attack aren’t on their own a problem.

It’s the random BS getting walloped while I’m flying in mid air and so on that is the problem.

To go back to the OP, the design of the fight is actually pretty good, engaging and challenging in different way at different times.

It’s the implementation and the stupid RNG deaths that I can’t avoid that make me want to punch a hole in a mountain in rage induced frustration.

My kids know all the bad words. ALL OF THEM.


It’s not a DPS check if there’s no urgency to it. You’re not forced to one-cycle him every time, it doesn’t add any extra phases you have to deal with. It’ll just take a bit longer, and give you more tHP to generate.

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It is one albeit one that doesnt have a very high urgency for a skilled team, a fair bit worse if not.

If you kill him too slowly you increase the risk of add waves that are actually dangerous like maulers/chaos warriors or maulers&zerkers rather than just adds which easily increases the chance of damage or death.

Ideally you got the damage to bumrush him into the third phase so he doesnt get to spawn any of those so you´ll have healing for the unavoidable hits in that phase. If you dont have any there there is a huge risk of dying from it.

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Pretty sure that’s not how that works. He’ll only ever do his first phase 3 times total, once he hits a certain health threshold. That’s when he teleports to invulnerability, spits out flies and adds come like berserkers and maulers. There’s no mechanic for skipping that phase or skipping the adds. If you don’t bring him to that, he just teleports around the arena, spitting mildly damaging red balls and the only adds that come are raiders and fanatics, which are free tHP. This is actually helpful for teams that are struggling.

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That’s why I think it’s so boring

If you can’t burn it down then you get to stand behind pillars killing enemies some more

Only the final phase ever feels engaging to me

No? You will always only ever face that phase 3 times, no matter how much or how little damage you deal.

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I am pretty sure that only the spawns during his invincibility phase can be Maulers/Berserker/Chaos Warriors so exactly three times during the fight. While he is down in the arena only horde enemies spawn.

Unless you want to say that there is a hidden mechanic increasing the probability of more difficult enemies in the invicibility phase the longer he stays in the arena?


Mechanics of it aside because I don’t think I worded it very well in the first place, it feels like a boring rehash of Blood in the Darkness which was a boring rehash of Burblespue

Only when he’s floating around in the final phase does it ever feel very engaging

That was my main point, sorry

Huh, might just be i didnt keep count at all, i could have sworn he goes back up if you take too long.

I might be wrong on that, could have sworn i´ve had him go up more during some particularly bad runs but i would not bet on that.

I agree with that during phases 1 and 2, but during phase 3 there is a sense of urgency, since it is an attrition fight and you’re going to lose because of the randomly unavoidable damage.


maybe, though I don’t think he should lose the knockback sweep lol

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I’m glad I’m not at that point where I think Legend+ is a joke because you guys genuinely sound miserable. :sob:

This fight is fine if they just change getting hit mid-air because you fly into a crowd of mobs and that the rings always appear on the outer edge.

But if the intent of the fight really is just, “I’m going to knock you into the rings that spawn at the outer edge despite your attempts to avoid them” Fine, I think it’s BS but I’ll live.

I just cracked up, thanks ;D

But seriously, don’t do nothing to that fight - I fail it more often than not cause of the QP guys who expect an easy win cause they play SoTT or GK - we fail most of the time.

That’s the way it’d be - it’s a challenging fight that requires you to deal dmg, protect teammates and avoid damage. Totally love it!