Nurglings should come out of Beasts of Nurgle

Just another low priority polish idea that ought to go on somebody’s To Do list.

Beasts of Nurgle should spawn gaggles of harmless nurglings just as they are from the Geheimnisnacht event over in Vermintide 2. I’m thinking between zero and three when they vomit, and between four and eight when they die. This has no effect on gameplay whatsoever.

Maybe nurglings could also pop up now and then in any area where there’s a bunch of Nurgle goo, like places with corruptors, or the final scan room in the investigation mission.


Can’t do it. Nurglings too adorable. Just funny little guys.

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Another excuse for me to re-post this again. Funny as hell.


Can’t quite put my finger onto it… Are you like a Nurgle aligned user?

If i can pick them up and throw them back to that stupid slug then yeah, ill game.

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