New boss idea

hi folks,

been messing with my 3d printer lately and looking for stuff to fill my darktide diorama with.

not so much going on in terms of game related models so i took a turn for nurgle.

what caught my eye after seeing the scale were plague toads and hence came the idea of having 3 of them buggers spawn out of a pit/pond/slimy-something and act as boss encounters sharing one health bar.

what do you think ? good, bad or meh?
ain´t into warhammer for too long so i wouldnt want to commit heresy

I could see Plague Toad act like a Smoker Special, like instead of working like the Hound/Hunter it can use it’s tongue to pull away a player before it’ll start to chew and/or spit the player after a while or when the Toad is get damaged.

Also Daemons don’t have a fixed scale, so you could in theory have a proper monster sized Toad.

good to know, the printable in question was swallowing a veteran whole easily, being around 3 times his size.

thats what i also had in mind would they make their way into the game, half a nurgle beast but adding a bit verticality through jumping.

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