been messing with my 3d printer lately and looking for stuff to fill my darktide diorama with.
not so much going on in terms of game related models so i took a turn for nurgle.
what caught my eye after seeing the scale were plague toads and hence came the idea of having 3 of them buggers spawn out of a pit/pond/slimy-something and act as boss encounters sharing one health bar.
what do you think ? good, bad or meh?
ain´t into warhammer for too long so i wouldnt want to commit heresy
I could see Plague Toad act like a Smoker Special, like instead of working like the Hound/Hunter it can use it’s tongue to pull away a player before it’ll start to chew and/or spit the player after a while or when the Toad is get damaged.
Also Daemons don’t have a fixed scale, so you could in theory have a proper monster sized Toad.