Anyone hoping we can get a DLC adding Daemons of Nurgle (aka Nurglings, Gutterlings, Plaguebearers, Plague Ogres, Beasts of Nurgle, and Putrid Blightkings) to the enemy roster we can fight?
While cool Plague Ogres would be Rotblood additions a they are not Daemons per se while Putrid Blightkings are Age of Sigmar Nurgle followers, so I don’t think they would cut it in Vermintide’s lore.
Blight King came from the End Time initially.
Guttering are just a RoR for Nurglite Chaos Spawn.
Nurgling are already in game, tied to an event as critter.
Iirc a while ago someone at FS said that a full faction wouldn’t happen due to mechanical issues with the Engine
Didn’t know that about the Blight Kings, but now I do know. Thanks to both of you.
They say a full faction is made impossible by the engine. True or not don’t matter as that seems to be FatShark’s position after the Beastmen reception.
I liked the Beastmen, I would point out though. Even if they, as has been mentioned countless times, could use a full rooster of enemies for us to face.
Beastmen being “completed”, even just a Lord fight would be nice, still think it’s a shame we never faced the Gave from the trialer/cinematic.