While game still have some problems even on release, I feel obliged to say that whole revork of Inspect page and bars is wonderful. Devs keeped the bars, but added not only numerical value to the each of parametrs, but also description what it is, how can it roll and weight of each parts of the table. Notably, Inspect has breakdowns page, even if it crash right now on special attack click and even if it still need some excel love to compare weapons. It is a huge step forward from vermintide system and Fatshark deserves credit for this.
This is definetly a change I welcome very much. Having numbers to the bars is much more intuitive. It still doesn’t beat VT2 with Armory mod in terms of information, but absolutely the base game.
Anyway thank you fatshark.
Adding a +1 to this. A lot more info than I was actually expecting with the changes. Even Helbore lasguns and the Plasma gun got damage values for basic / charged attacks. Very nice.
My only remaining gripes are there isn’t any info shown for how much damage special attacks do, how much ‘ammo’ the energy weapons consume per shot, or blast damage for explosive weapons.
I was fairly disappointed that upgrading the weapon doesn’t actually improve the stats of the weapons, just gives it an extra perk.
You’re very much at the mercy of RNG for the weapon stats and being able to mod the weapons would have been nice to actually be able to buff the general attributes or even at the worst, bump up one of the attributes of the weapon with each level.