Weapon stats WOW

Credit where credit is due.
FINALLY getting precise stats breakdown for our weapons and their stats… Goes beyond was I was expecting.
Good job fatshark!

I will say though:
Perhaps get this past QA :slight_smile:


As dissapointing as the patch is, i have to agree that they did good on this.


Beat me to it, the detail here is great.

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It’s absolutely the one thing that exceeded my expectations. Inspecting weapons now dumps a TON of info and it’s what should have been there from the beginning. Shame there’s a cash shop before a functioning crafting station. Ruined what respect I would have had for them listening to players.

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There were indeed disappointments to the launch patch’s content.

This was NOT one of them. This is what I wished I had in vermintide. Informative, useful. Full marks.

I really like the new weapon numbers display. The only thing I miss (or at least I couldn’t find anymore) are the little fluff weapon descriptions. I quite liked reading those.

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I would not mind additional explenation on specific status’, like rend, brittle, etc. Otherwise fantastic job on this one Fatshark !!


I want to point out the gamepass version does not have this feature, we get no numbers when inspecting. Seems like a good feature

Yeah, you are unfortunately a patch behind due to MS certification.

Same here. I absolutely love that they’ve not been shy about showing actual numbers. Quite a nice amount of them even.
Also similarly I’d enjoy more details on specific traits that still lack definitions/details (+n Rending, being one among others).

It’s still easy to keep the details away for those who don’t want to be drowned in numbers.
And my guess is that it’s still WIP as it doesn’t have the UI visual decorative elements in the corners and a black background.
It has also lost the flavor/lore text for the weapons (hopefully this will be back).

The flavor/lore text could nicely show up in that view (even with a toggle):

Previously (I don’t have a screenshot with the boltgun):

Glorious improvements! Thanks Fatshark!

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It’s a Beauty and no mistake!

This is all i could ask for honestly, the only things missing, as far as i can see, would be the stats for push(-attacks) and 2nd, 3rd, etc targets when cleaving.
That would require the information on hitmass of different enemies to be visible somewhere.

i really didnt expect this UI to be so well thought out and in depth though. It shows that they propably have been working on that for a while.

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Hey, how the hell do you get that screen up? When pressing I I go to inspect weapon?

Yes, it’s the Inspect option.

Also pleasantly surprised with the weapon stats board.
I expected them to only add numbers to bars.

If this is an indication of the level of polish FS plans to implement in other areas (mission board, score-board, weeklies, crafting etc.) - there is hope for the longevity of this game.

Is there a reason why crit chance is missing in the weapon details?

Kinda feels like it is important to know whether the weapon has a 10%, 5%, or 1.25% crit chance lol. Quite a few things work off of crit (blessings, feats, etc.)

All the other stuff is amazing, don’t get me wrong, but I deliberately went into the weapon inspector to find my actual crit chance only to find out that it is not there. Is this supposed to be this way?

I think it’s kinda sad the weapon fluff fell by the wayside there.
It would have been nice to have a rough overview with fluff and attack types, and then be able to full up the full stats.
But, this is nice, no lying. … sadly, I have this weird feeling they are trying to compensate for something.
Still, I apporve of being able to see all the detailed stats on a weapon.