Gear Comparison Useless

It is pointless to compare bars. Please provide number values.


Add shaded portions on the bars to show difference.

Would prefer numbers though. Can’t theory craft with bars.


Even the numbers wouldn’t mean a thing until reaching max level, because the gear score seems to be a much bigger factor based off of my own testing. Had a flamer that had bigger bars across the board other then ammo and it was doing less damage then one with smaller bars but a bigger gear score.

agreed. I’m about to put a piece of paper to my screen to see how far the bar goes. Is it before the “e” in “damage” or after the “e.” that’s my deciding factor for some gear

Lack of information on items was a big problem in Vermintide 2, and it’s a bit upsetting that they didn’t launch the info with the game, but they did say they plan on addressing it post-launch.