New Weapons for the Ogryn(power fists, 2h Hammers etc), possibility to wear a pistol and a 1h weapon at the same time

I think that Power Weapons should not have only one hit after activation (at least, not ALL, Thunder Hammers are the only ones ok imo) but they should last several seconds and then need time to recharge (like 20 seconds powered weapon and 40 seconds recharge after the effect ended). This would bring even more dynamics and perks and blessings.

When playing Ogryns, we need to feel that we’re actually playing a superhuman being with powerful raw strenght, I think that it is a must that an Ogryn could use the charge to beat down a mutant or a dog like mutants do, and having some other powers like Stomps or even the possibility to grab and throw things if not using the charge as an Ult.
I mean Kruber felt stronger than an Ogryn at this point.
They need heavy weapons. Even with very slow but very strong hits would work and would be really funny to see and to play (I mean, Imagine an Ogryn take 5-6 seconds to charge an attack with Power Fists or a 2H stone Hammer and one shot another Ogryn making a little but strong aoe to the ground stunning everybody near enough like a Warhammer Fantasy Tyrant Ogre).
There would be a lot of synergy in the team because people should start defending the Ogryn which is vulnerable but it would pay off the teamwork.

I think that the coolest thing would be the possibility to have a pistol (plasma, laser etc) on the left hand and a Chainsword/Power sword on the right. It would really feel like Warhammer 40k and would bring a lot of different builds to the table. It would also mean more difficult levels and much more funny fights.
A zealot with 1h Chainsword and 1h Axe would be so cool to play (I think that the possibilty to have 2 chain weapons should be excluded but who knows) such as an Ogryn with a Granadier Gauntlet and a Shield.

I hope this will be inspirational for you all behind the game, I think you made a great work and many times I really had fun playing the game for 400+ hours just for the sake of it.
It just needs to be pushed to the limits imho, it has so much potential.

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