New Hero Ideas

Okay, I’ll be a bit of a party-pooper. We are very unlikely to get a completely new character, for various reasons. There’s all the costs of designing everything, the costs of voice-acting (including new lines for everyone else too), the troubles of figuring out and balancing three Careers right away. Also, there is an established dynamic between the existing characters, and a new character would break that somewhat. And of course there’s the trouble of introducing one.

New Careers for our existing heroes are a bit more plausible option, as their weapons and animations already exist, voicelines would be (mostly, at least) limited to their Career Skill activation lines and there’s only one Career at a time to be figured out and balanced. Also the integration reasons aren’t relevant this time. That said, they’re still a long way down the line if they come. The work amount is still large, and the current Careers (and weapons) need to be in a much more balanced state before any new should be added. I suspect another DLC and new maps (and cosmetics) for it would be a bigger priority for now, especially as the players were quite disappointed with the Bögenhafen cosmetics.

Of course, speculation can always be done, but Feedback is not exactly the correct place for that. I’m not saying this should be moved, as wishes for new stuff are genuine feedback. But for speculation side, you may have missed this. It’s not exactly the same, but the difficulty of figuring out new roles for characters illustrates also the troubles of bringing in new characters or Careers, as I think the new ones should really have some actual point to them and not just be tacked there because it’s cool.