New Condition: Elite Resistance feedback

Not alot of enemies, slow timers, one more condition stopping us from what we really want to play: Hi Intensity Shock Trooper Gauntlet. Very Dodgeable


Who’s “we”?


I’d suggest making the modifier resemble the “vanguard” and “better, stronger” combination deeds from VT2.

For those that do not know: Elites would have 2X damage and HP and all roaming enemies would be replaced with elites.

That would actually be challenging and a nice, different experience from HI-STG.

You know, an alternative to the only challenging modifier you have rather than one more modifier we’d want to avoid.


obviously not you so exclude urself outta this one, BUDDY


Enjoy having the modifiers pool being diluted by another modifier and its low and high variants.


At some point we gonna have so many conditions they gonna be forced to let us select them

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Thank you, I will. I don’t care for difficulty for difficulty’s sake in looter shooters.

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PointAndLaugh nice opinion bro

Thank you. That’s why I have it.

It’s horrible and boring, it at least needs a hi intensity version. Ive said it before but less enemies is just a horrible idea from the start. No experienced player wants less enemies. Give us all the enemies. Throw 50 specials at us. Give us a real challenge. Go crazy, that’s when it’s the most fun. Did Fatshark forget they made a horde shooter or something? I mean seriously think about it “let’s create a mode with less enemies in a game designed around high volumes of enemies and hordes.” Like wtf. It could be good if the elites had massive hordes to protect them. But whatever, it wouldnt even be an issue if Fatshark could do the impossible and just let us pick the modifier ourselves but this is also the same developer that thought having multiple pages in the cosmetic shop would be too complicated for us so clearly they think our peon brains wouldnt know which modifier to pick therefore it needs to be picked for us. Just saying every other game I have played in my entire life has never had this issue. I have never needed a third party website just to see if the mode i want is available so i dont have to waste time logging in. I will not play again until they address this extremely avoidable issue that any other competent developer would have changed months ago. Or better yet, wouldnt have it set up to be so anti-player to begin with.


it would be cool if over period of 1 week (or two) we had option to freely change distribution of enemies of each type, in form of UI with sliders / input boxes

basing on that i think FS would be able to detemine what are the cool and popular options and make presets for them.

system should be unbounded, allowing us to spawn crushers in such numbers as if they were poxwalkers. some configurations would be impossible to beat, or plain stupid, but others would be fun to experiment with.

now its like going onna blind date. nobody has time for this.


like its called elite resistance but the map doesnt even spawn elites. jus walking around shooting poxwalkers. seriously jus make it a normal map with buffed elites or something. kinda weird standing around waiting for events to end


this mode is horrible


Often find myself in some cluster with dozen of crusher and else, like 3 or 4 times a map, arguably horrific when your teamates just run like chicken and die in one sec leaving you alone, that the only fun i got.

This is what i thought we would get (all or some being replaced).
I was excited about it.

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Another easy mode catering to god knows who. Waste of a slot.

Cause new condition is some kinda of analogue of this one, but +less elites affix.

Yes it seems like it. The new modifier basically plays like low int on a slightly higher difficulty (although the rewards are higher than even high int).

Although the modifier is ambiguously described this way:

Which (at least to me) sounds similar to this modifier, which is why i hoped that this was what we would get:
(with this modifier, all roaming enemies are replaced with regular elites)

Unfortunately it was just RNG being RNG. You know what I’ve got?
Hellbore Mk. II with base rating 324, one perk on 2nd and one on 3rd level and 2 3rd lvl blessings.

Edit: You meant ordo dockets reward? Then yeah, seems like a lot for such a pleasant walk around the map.

Dockets and XP.
Same dockets as high int. More XP than high int.

Diff 4 elite resistance grants about 50% more dockets and xp than regular diff 5.

None of it makes sense, considering how easy the modifier is.
It would make sense if we had a buttload of elites (with regular hp) instead.
That way, the modifier would also have a significant and unique impact on gameplay (which it currently does not).

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