Edit: After reading the comments whilst the reason I suggested the Skitarii was mainly down to looks, it would make more sense from a lore perspective to swap it to a Tech Adept. However, a workaround when it comes to the Skitarii being neuro-synced is that it could have just been damaged and thought inoperative or could be neuro-synced to Hadron Omega-7-7 already on board the ship.
I think adding a Tech-Adept would add variety, and something fresh and new whilst personally would be my new main.
Class stats:
Toughness: 200
Health: 100
Speed: default.
Skill: Servo-Turret (Deploys a servo skull turret that lasts for 15-30 seconds, and has two charges before needing to recharge; 2-3 mins).
(Ranged) Weapons:
Starter Weapon: Las Pistol.
L2: Galvanic rifle.
L3: Flechette blaster.
L4: Arc Pistol.
L5: Plasma pistol.
L7: Arc Rifle.
L8: Stubcarbine.
L10: Phosphor Serpenta. (Singe shot, does burn damage. Secondary: Discharge Mag in one big blast.)
L11: Plasma Caliver. (Full auto rifle. Secondary: Several quick bursts that does AOE.)
L12: Phosphor blast pistol. (Multishot, does burn damage. Secondary: Bash.)
L15: TBD
L16: Transuranic arquebus. (Secondary: Charged shot does DOT Damage over time in a 5m radius can affect players, and lasts for 5-15 seconds.)
L19-30: TBD
(Melee) Weapons:
Starter Weapon: Voltaic Axe.
L2: Transonic razor.
L4: Power Sword. (Secondary is self-explanatory.)
L6: Arc maul. (Secondary: Charges with lightning.)
L10: Transonic blade. (Secondary: Power up to pierce armour.)
L14: Taser goad. (Secondary: Charge and stun the enemy for 2-3 seconds.)
L18: Taser Lance. (Secondary: Charge and stun the enemy for 4-5 seconds.)
Any ideas will be looked at and potentially added to the list.
Stat changes, etc. Will be looked at but seems pretty balanced IMO.
300 base toughness sounds bonkers if we take into acount that the curios add % buffs, just 20% from curios would add 60 thats more than half of what other careers feature as base value
I love the idea, but lets leave the balance stuff to the devs haha… Especially since you seem to do a but of research about the weapons Skitarii use in lore
Skitarii don’t go rogue lol.
There is no reason whatsoever for any Skitarii to end up in a prison.
Any Skitarii that did somehow manage to go rogue (despite the fact that Tech Priests can literally assume direct control) it would be dismantled by the AdMech rather than put in prison for it to end up as a reject on board the Mourningstar running suicide missions.
There is also nothing about them related to deploying turrets.
Radium weapons would kill your teammates, as the radiation given off by their shots would be devastating not only to the target, but also literally everything nearby.
Many weapons wielded by the Skitarii are so deadly to the wielder they’re widely condemned by the rest of the Imperium. Their baroque beauty belies a singularly vile function – not only to strike, but to render the battlefield as deadly as the rad-wastes of Mars. As dangerous as they are to their wielders, Radium Weapons are far more deadly to the enemy. Armour may repel the solid rounds, but only the most heavily-reinforced battle plate can protect the target from the baleful energy given off by the hyper-irradiated bullets. As more and more shots are fired, the area becomes increasingly saturated with radiation until a localised rad-storm occurs, striking down the enemy with radiation sickness and leaving the ground beneath their feet saturated and lifeless. Radium Weapons are so volatile that they eventually kill their wielders.
Not only does the Imperium generally hate them, But they also have a habit of killing the user XD
Honestly, Its a reasonably well thought out post and a cool idea. Unfortunately, Skitarii as playable characters just causes problems from a lore perspective.
You’d be far more likely to see a lowly Tech Adept being imprisoned than a Skitarii.
Your turret idea suits an Adept better than a Skitarii anyways.
yeah thought so too, but they could easily fit, a lore reason for an admech alined character to be there,
just tell us old there’s “archeotech” in the depth of the hive that we cannot allow to be seized by the enemy, so we get an specialist attached to the unit
There is a way to do it without having to change the formula and keeping the same system:
Archetype: Either of
Tech Adept: Lower Class of the Admech, promising but failed somewhere, can be uncared by the Admech and thrown into the Imperial Penitanciary system (Moreso if they are part of the Admech but on a Hive World, or Imperial Non Admech world)
Tech Menial: Even lower class, can be from Imperial World and most often only have minimal Admech knowledge, more so Uncared by the Admech
With 2/3 classes from the start (As at that point the other classes would already have their 2/3 classes)
Like Skitarii, Reclaimator and a third one
Weapon wise I would just add the Omnisian Axe as a high trust weapon, maybe taking out the Taser Lancer since it’s a weapon that is used while mounted. Chain Blades, would also most likely be available.
And in the ranged section I wouldn’t give Radium weaponry (Vanguard exclusive) and the Cognis Lascannon (Heavy and used on Dragoon) and Eradication Beamer (Heavy, is used on the Crab tank)