See title. If we are going to have penances and game-ruining kick overlay issues, the least we can be given is a way to block actively toxic players from previous lobbies.
Edit: 1) If someone requests help with a pennance or explains that’s what they’re doing, I’ve always helped and don’t mind 2) The “previous missions” tab in the Morningstar does not fulfill the above requested functionality, I checked it after the mission played with said bad actor
In fact, the game shows you previous players. However, what is displayed is the steam names.
That’s why I immediately block someone when I see harsh attitude / insults / selfish attitude / bad kid attitude (not against kid, I mean here the ones that use words like “noob”, “stfu”, “grow up”, “kid” etc.)
I only have 4 persons blocked actually… hopefully
Yeah the current state of the “previous missions” tab is functionally useless for a normal user unless I take screenshots of players at the end of every single game to deduce the 3 new entries, AND play Detective with those Steam account names. I just played with 3 people - none of their names show up in the previous missions tab. When I click on account names in there to identify Steam name versus in-game names, they don’t show up in more detail, and also bug out 1/15 entries.
After testing things further, this is my conclusion: unless you block the person while you’re still in-game with them, you’re screwed 90+% of the time.
Why did they not leverage the already existing Steam overlay tab that says “View Players?” It’s organized chronologically and shows the actual Steam account already. Much less guesswork in its current form.
Wow your English is downright terrible and your info is wrong on top of that. Previous players is widely inaccurate and pretty much never helpful. It’s actually sad how that was put out live in the state that it’s currently in.
That’s why I said it wasn’t entirely a penances problem. Fixing all penances “perfectly” would resolve only a portion of the issue here.
I’ve only blocked 3 people up to this point after 500+ hrs of pubbing, and this would’ve only been the 4th block if I had been able to. I’ve been one of the under 5k VT2 guys for years…
The only reason why I even mentioned penances in passing is because they are commonly correlated in creating an environment that brings out toxic behavior in people.