FFS please let us block from the finish screen, or give us a functional previous match screen, or have a function for searching for other players by name, or even let us just block from the chat window. If a kid is suddenly going to start being incredibly toxic, or racist or whatever - its either going to be while they’re downed - whereas you can’t waste time messing around in the social menu without being unfair on your other teammates - or once they’re in the ‘blaming a loss on everyone else’ stage.
I mean, I genuinely can’t think of another modern multiplayer game with so little functionality with regards to this.
I agree.
They only needed to implement 1 thing and that’s the ability for us to add-as-friend/block/etc. any of the people who were in our last game (whenever they joined).
I’ve only had to do this once, but when I looked under the Previous Missions menu the player wasn’t there. Luckily they were in the same hub instance as myself right after the mission so I was able to block them there.
I never managed to find people from the last game in there.
Maybe you have to log out or something, but it’s definitively not displaying people in my last game.
Doesn’t work. It shows a selection of players you have previously played with since the game launched, not the specific ones from your previous mission.
That’s… kinda mind boggling that what appears to be exactly the functionality one’d expect… isn’t. … … Then again we’re talking about Darktide, so maybe I should not be surprised.