Multiple instances of Class Coherency buffs SHOULD stack

As far as I can tell, multiple instances of the same Class Coherency buff, i.e. Sharpshooter Ammo regen on Elite/Special kill, don’t stack. This feels detrimentally counter to any and all claims towards playing the party comp you want by the developers, as this decision actively punishes players for doing just that.

If this (among many other mechanics) forcefully incentivizes having a balanced team composition, then why even allow full stacks of the same class in the first place if doing so doesn’t provide a benefit to counteract the loss of additional utility compositional variety would bring?

A full team of Sharpshooters SHOULD get noticeably better ammo returns on relevant kills due to stacking their coherency buff, much like how four Skullbreakers should hit like a column of Leman Russes when using heavy attacks, otherwise all this design decision does is actively punish players for taking advantage of a feature that’s been heavily promoted.


yeah I can confirm they dont stack, as for sharpshooter.

and its pretty weird.

Maybe they should have diminishing returns so that having 4 of the same aura gives 2x the benefit rather than 4x, but it should stack at least somewhat for sure.

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