Different Class Features shouldn't be mutually exclusive

Passives are one thing, since they should theoretically be complimenting the things upstream, but Blitz abilities, Combat Abilities, and Auras shouldn’t be vertically mutually exclusive.

For example, Psyker is not able to take the Prescience Aura and Venting Shriek Combat Ability. They simply can’t move horizontally across the tree fast enough. Similarly, Ogryn can’t take Point Blank Barrage and Bonebreaker’s Aura.

I don’t really see a balance reason for this to be the case either. I don’t think Venting Shriek and crit have any particular synergy and Telekinetic Shield is plenty strong, so it’s not a huge deal to give it up. It seems like a weird restriction.


Well some are definitely balance, like the Ogryn buffs heavy attacks or weapons. You can still cruise down the bottom left and get some good buffs (which I do anyway because ogryns other nodes kinda suck, lucky bullet needs a rework almost as bad as vet tree).

The one that really miffs me is that I can’t run mind in motion and use brain burst. If you aren’t obsessed with not getting hit don’t even @ me. This is another crime, mind in motion needs to be one of the top nodes or somewhere middle at the bottom.

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