More missions with Sire Melk and Hallowette please

Just as it says above, I think it would be great if we could have more missions that feature Sire Melk and Hallowette on the Comm-link giving you instructions. The banter between those two is absolutely hilarious in the mission Ascension-Riser 31, and love to hear more from them, either individually or together. Maybe also a few missions that have some of the other characters that are not really front and center in the game guiding you to your objectives, such as Seffoni, Shipmistress Brahms, maybe even Interragator Rannick.


I figure they are probably saving Rannick for some of the big, important missions that will happen down the road once they get the storyline moving.

Like an assassination where we are killing someone actually important or something like that.


Hallowette sounds like she’s speaking through a paper cup and string. There’s something weird there on the clarity.

Ive done a full resync in steam. It’s the only voice file that sounds like that for me. One for a bug report.

Or she’s patching in without authorization, which would make sense since the only interaction between her and Melk is in regard of some shady business… Come on! 20/80 split? She has something on Melk :smiley:

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